In my 12 years of being a street cop I met a LOT of thieves.
So I know thief when I see one.
That’s why I’m pretty darn qualified when I say that YOU, my revered reader, are a thief.
What’s even more shocking is who you’re stealing from.
Now before you get your Barbie panties in a bind, allow me to explain HOW you’re stealing. Then I’ll explain from whom you’re stealing.
Even though you probably never realized it, here’s how you’re committing your thievery:
Any time and every time you say some variation of, “I can’t be/do/have that”… you have just committed a theft.
What, pray tell, are you stealing?
The answer is simple.
You’re stealing an opportunity. The opportunity to accomplish whatever it is you’re saying you can’t be/do/have.
And if you haven’t already figured it out, the person you’re stealing from is YOURSELF!
How are you stealing that opportunity?
Well, I discovered the answer to that a long time ago. And even though the explanation is quite simple, it has taken me five DECADES to truly understand it.
You’re stealing that opportunity from yourself because…
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
You see, a POWERFUL force has programmed you since birth (and is STILL programming you) to believe that the pseudo self — the powerless you — is you.
And for a majority of folks, that programming goes deep, deep, DEEP.
So deep, that most don’t even realize they’ve been brainwashed.
In fact, after 13 years of mandatory incarceration in the gummint funded youth indoctrination camp (the sheeple call it “pubic school”), 99% of the sorry souls forced to endure that soul-sucking sentence NEVER overcome their programming.
Therefore, in spite of having an entire frickin’ lifetime to rise above it and reprogram themselves, after those 13 years of cruel and unusual punishment, most don’t.
And it isn’t because they can’t.
Most won’t do the deep inner work required to reprogram themselves.
And because of that, if most people’s gravestones were to state the truth, they would say…
“Here lies John Doe… he lived, he consumed, he died.”
THAT is how powerful (and never-ending) the programming is. And very, very, VERY few ever overcome it.
“Gee Doberman Dan, I can’t start a business because [insert any excuse here.]”
Or… “I can’t do [insert any proven marketing strategy here] because my business is different.”
Or… “That won’t work for me because [insert any excuse here.]”
My reaction in the past was always some variation of… “Sure ya can! If I can do it, you can do it! Besides, I’ll even show you how to do it.”
But the sad truth is this:
That rarely worked.
Because most have accepted their sheeple/robot/drone failure programming.
These days when I hear, “I can’t do [insert ANYTHING here] because [insert any excuse here]”… my response is always the same…
“You’re 100% right. ‘For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.’”
Like I said earlier, the number one reason most never rise above their programming is this:
They believe that they’re the pseudo self, instead of who they really are… infinite Self-Awareness.
You see, when we’re talking about the REAL you, it’s true that “all men are created equal.” (Men meaning mankind, meaning ALL humans, regardless of gender.)
However, your life is determined by what you do with that Self Awareness/consciousness. And that’s where the equality ends.
If you choose to accept the limiting beliefs imposed by your programming… well… “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
If you choose to NOT accept the system’s conditioning… and you reject the limiting beliefs they constantly FORCE into you… then… “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
It’s as simple as that. (As most profound revelations are.)
But don’t mistake “simple” to mean easy. Easy it ain’t.
And really, based on my more than half a century of life experience, any and all self-help is just putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound to the chest. That is, until you realize the fact that you’re not the pseudo self like you’ve been programmed to believe all your life.
And as soon as you come THAT Self-realization, true progress can begin.
I imagine a few folks roll their eyes when they hear this. That’s OK. In the past, before I experienced a rather sudden (and totally unexpected) expansion of consciousness, I thought it was all woo-woo, also.
However… if you still haven’t allowed “the man” to suppress all of your innate intuition, you somehow know this is all true. Because although you can’t enunciate why… nor can you even state a logical argument for it… it resonates with something deep inside you.
Besides, think about THIS for just a minute:
If what I’ve been sharing with you wasn’t true, then why has the school system, the gummint and religion worked sooooooo hard (in collusion)… and why have they collectively invested QUADRILLIONS of dollars to brainwash you into believing otherwise?
Hmmmmm. Kinda makes one think, doesn’t it?
You see, it’s likely that in the past you’ve had glimpses of your greatness. Even if it was only for a few fleeting moments.
But during those brief glimpses, something amazing happened. You remembered who you really are.
And what I shared with you today is resonating with THAT person. Your REAL identity.
Your true Self.
And that is the you that you need to know better. Or as one famous philosopher has said, “Know thyself.”
Listen, I realize that this isn’t a typical Doberman Dan message. (Although maybe it should be.)
It’s something that has been on my heart. And for reasons not yet understood, I felt a strong need to release it.
I hope it resonated with a part of you in some still, small way.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. As much as I strive daily to “be in the world but not of the world,” there are still earthly realities to deal with. The most pressing being that there are bills to pay here in the Doberman Dan compound.
Sooooooo… a brief word from our sponsor:
Every month I’m revealing some jealously guarded secrets in The Doberman Dan Letter. One that a lot of my knights are excited about is THIS:
I’m gonna show you the DD way of developing an offer from scratch and making it work to cold traffic.
If you want in on secrets like these — and what intelligent marketer who wants to get hundreds or THOUSANDS of new customers per day wouldn’t? — then you need to click here and claim your knighthood TODAY.
Listen, even though my bag o’ tricks goes much deeper than the LMMs (lesser mortal marketers) and LMCs (lesser mortal copywriters), don’t be a delusional dolt like so many DDDs (dopamine dependent dreamers) in the Internet Marketing world. What I mean is this:
What I reveal each month to the knights in my Marketing Camelot ain’t some magic online “money button” that spits out $100 bills every time your $3/hour virtual assistant in the Philippines pushes it for ya.
A mature and intelligent person knows that magic online money buttons don’t exist. Therefore, only a “bovine, clod pated, citified moron” chases that pipe dream. (Aaahhh, movie references.)
Knighthood in my Marketing Camelot is only for REAL entrepreneurs and marketers. The savvy and ambitious folks who understand that making a new offer work to cold traffic ain’t easy and it takes W-O-R-K.
If that’s you, click here so you don’t miss out on all these customer acquisition secrets.
But do it soon, OK? Like right now is the ideal time… while it’s still on your mind.
Click here for all the details about knighthood in the Marketing Camelot…
Pax vobiscum.