A while back I offered a free hard copy issue of my newsletter.
And of course, being the marketer I am, I included a sales letter for the Marketing Camelot.
Why did I choose to do all this in hard copy instead of online?
Especially when it costs about $6 per person to print and mail the free issue of the newsletter and the 36-page sales letter?
That’s simple…
EXPONENTIALLY better delivery, open rates and conversions.
There are a lot of reasons for that.
But one of the biggest is the neuro-hormonal response in the brain from marketing materials delivered in print.
And that simply can’t be duplicated with any digital media. (Google “Millward Brown MRI direct mail” for further details.)
In addition to following up on the non-buyers in direct mail, I also sent a series of emails inquiring why they hadn’t joined the Marketing Camelot.
Check out how one dude responded:
“The truth is your little ass didn’t send me the big ass newsletter you promised. But I do think it’s rather slick to tell someone you’re sending them something, then weeks later send them a follow up with a link to an electronic version. Saves a lot of dough. I get it.”
So I guess he didn’t get the newsletter. I have no idea why.
I’m sorry he’s upset but doody happens, ya know? I had Jackie send him another copy.
Ya know, I used to think my ability to read people in an instant was pretty good back when I was an inner city street cop.
But after more than 30 years years of serial entrepreneurship… and dealing with all KINDS of schmucks who tried to put one over on me… my ability to read people now is RAZOR sharp.
Even BETTER than when I was in law enforcement.
Here’s what I mean…
With only four sentences, I IMMEDIATELY knew the following about this guy:
– His level of marketing experience…
– His level of business savvy…
– His mindset and lifelong conditioning about money…
– And I bet I could guess his income and come within $1,000 to $2,000 of hitting the nail on the head.
There’s one more thing I picked up on from his email… and it’s your marketing lesson of the day.
(Well, your SECOND marketing lesson of the day. The first was the million dollar secret I shared with you earlier about delivering stuff in hard copy.)
Notice how he automatically assumed I was a liar and never had any intentions of sending the hard copy newsletter.
He never even considered that there was an error somewhere… or that the USPS could have lost the envelope… or that he gave me an incorrect address.
He just immediately judged me a conman who engineered a slick way of not delivering on a public promise I made… so I could save a few bucks and follow up by email instead.
It reveals a mindset that’s prevalent in just about EVERY market…
A lot of people don’t trust or believe you.
Listen, in an age where it’s common practice for even the President of the United States to look straight into the camera and shamelessly lie his ass off without even flinching… people are jaded.
Trust is as low as it’s ever been.
And it’s only getting worse.
If you don’t want your sales message summarily rejected, you need to be mindful of this when crafting your marketing messages.
And you need to provide plenty of proof.
You can do that with case studies, testimonials, 3rd party studies (like double blind studies for nutritional supplements), before and after photos and demonstration videos… just to name a few.
You can no longer expect people to just believe your sales message because you say it.
You have to show them WHY they can believe you.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. Speaking of proof elements… CLICK HERE to see what a few of the most successful entrepreneurs and direct marketers in the world have to say about me and my Marketing Camelot.
Pax vobiscum.