Friday, [10:14] AM
Dear Friend,
Remember this article a few weeks ago?
That’s the one about my personalized hand written promotion that flopped.
First, some background…
The “Doberman Dan” personality has not written for the bodybuilding crowd for several years. Doberman Dan is NOW the “Kitchen Table Entrepreneur’s Best Friend”… NOT a bodybuilding author.
Rick Gray was the author of the letter. That’s why it was signed by him and not Doberman Dan.
Rick Gray runs A.S. Research, the bodybuilding supplement company. Sometimes I love the guy… sometimes I hate him. But we have a lot in common… we share the same brain and body.
A bunch of people guessed why it bombed. Most hit on some good points that could have POSSIBLY been minor contributing factors… but only a few hit the nail on the head.
As soon as I checked the results of this letter and discovered it was stinking up the place, I immediately knew the problem. I heard Gary Halbert’s voice in my head saying…
“Delay Is The DEATH Of A Sale!”
When you have your prospect in front of you (figuratively or literally), give them your ENTIRE sales message right then and there!
Sending them to a website was stupid. I should have sent the entire sales message in the envelope with phone ONLY ordering.
Never, ever, EVER do anything that delays the sale or delays the prospect from your complete sales message.
I know the current Internet Marketing “technique du jour” is to send your prospects an e-mail teaser with a link to your online sales pitch. That’s usually done because sending your entire sales message would make a very long e-mail.
Well, guess what…
I’ve tested this numerous times and several of my friends have, too…
Every time we send the entire sales message in an e-mail it almost always eclipses the response of the teaser e-mail with the link to the sales pitch.
Exactly the same reason I said before…
Delay Is The DEATH Of A Sale!
So there you go. Learn from my mistakes and save yourself a ton of money.
All the best,
P.S. Thanks to everybody who participated in my little quiz. I’ve got some super sharp subscribers and I really appreciate you.