Which subscription?
Actually, the subscriptions (plural) I will NEVER cancel are the ones published by Dan Kennedy.
For me those are the Look Over My Shoulder subscription, which also includes his Marketing Your Services letter.
Those subscriptions will continue until one Dan dies…
Dan Kennedy or Doberman Dan.
Why will I never cancel them?
The exact same reason why the Knights of the Round Table swore an oath to King Arthur.
It’s something an infinitesimally tiny number of people seem to understand or believe anymore. And sadly, even fewer actually practice it.
It’s a little thing called… LOYALTY.
You see, I was living a life of quiet desperation until I stumbled upon Dan Kennedy and his Magnetic Marketing system offer.
I paid for that on a darn near maxed out credit card. That one investment fomented my now two-decade success in direct response marketing.
Until I discovered Dan Kennedy, I spent the 9 previous years as a part-time serial failure entrepreneur. (Any rational person would have quit after only 6 MONTHS of that torture.)
Each business failure (there were 2 to 3 per year) during those nine long years left me further and further in debt, defeated and depressed.
Once I discovered direct response marketing from Dan Kennedy, I swiped what he was doing with his Magnetic
Marketing system and used it as a model to sell a self-published bodybuilding course.
That mail order biz was the first successful one after 9 agonizing years of failure after failure.
What followed was 20 years of successful serial entrepreneurship using the direct response marketing and copywriting principles
I first discovered thanks to Dan Kennedy having the balls to do his “thang” all these years.
I have lived an incredible life the past 20 years because of the journey Dan Kennedy inspired.
If Gary Halbert were still alive and publishing his newsletter, I would show the same loyalty to him… because he was my first real IN PERSON mentor.
Sadly, loyalty seems to be a dead concept these days.
Maybe I have a more gut-level understanding of loyalty because I have LITERALLY sworn to take a bullet for my partners back when I was a cop.
They did the same for me.
We HAD to if we wanted to survive.
And numerous times, that loyalty was tested.
I’ll be honest… when that loyalty was tested… a few failed.
But my commitment never wavered.
So I totally “get” loyalty.
Cuz my life depended on it… and STILL depends on it today.
You see, the only reason I’m able to do what I’ve been doing for the past 20 years is because I’m standing on the shoulders of the greats who came before me.
And anybody who doesn’t recognize that fact is an incredibly stupid and arrogant person who is heading for a mighty fall.
They deserve the suffering they’ll soon experience.
We’re ALL standing on the shoulders of the greats who blazed the trail for us.
They deserve our honor, respect and loyalty.
And our support.
To me, that includes financial support.
That’s why I will NEVER cancel my Dan Kennedy newsletter subscriptions.
Loyalty, honor, respect… these are the guiding principles of a successful man or woman.
So I ask…
Who has inspired YOU?
Who has faced their demons… and in spite of what appeared to be INSURMOUNTABLE fear, charged ahead with almost zero likelihood of success to show YOU the way?
Who has spent countless days and nights in front of a keyboard, or pen and paper, obsessing and agonizing over every word?
Who has chosen to re-experience every painful memory and emotion they would rather forget, in order to share their story with you?
Who, in the process of trying to inspire you, has left their tears on the page?
Or, when the demons and doubts attacked with full force, left their BLOOD on the page.
And who has endured this suffering time after time, with the only intention of inspiring you to be the person they know you can be?
Who, I ask, has done that for you?
Maybe you’ve put this person on a pedestal. (I know I did that with Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert.)
Most likely, one day you’ll discover that they are a flawed and fallible human being just like you.
No matter.
Loyalty never wavers.
One last thing:
If you’re truly loyal, you’ll soon discover an interesting little serendipity.
Like love, when you give loyalty, you get it back.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. If you’re one of the precious few “salt of the earth” people who truly understand this message… then I’ve been looking for you. So click here NOW.