It’s an addiction, I’m tellin’ ya.
And I can’t seem to help myself.
After coaching two different groups of people in the “Doberman Dan” way of launching a supplement business this year…
(BTW, so far 80% of my protégés have launched… that is UNHEARD OF in ANY coaching group!)…
… and seeing a bunch of guys launch with MER’s (media efficiency ratio –
the ROI on ad spend) of 1.8… 2.0… and 3.1… I got bitten by the supplement biz bug again.
So I started a new one.
And after three rounds of testing and tweaking… then using all that data to crack the code to turning this thang into a runaway 7-figure/month success…
…and spending a month obsessing over and rewriting the ad…
…I sold it to one of my knights in the Marketing Camelot.
It will re-launch next week. And the new owner, the media buyers and I all have big expectations.
Anyhoo, here’s the weird thing:
Sure, I could have just kept the business and re-launched it myself. But after 29 years as a serial entrepreneur and 20 years in direct response I can finally admit to myself…
I SUCK at running a business.
I rock at STARTING a biz. Cuz I EXCEL at the “cracking the code” part…
… coming up with the big idea, the marketing and the copy.
But I suck at the logistical stuff.
I am NOT the dude to be dealing with stuff like keeping up on inventory, looking at balance sheets, running budgets, hiring employees… all that stuff.
Not to say that someone with a brain and talent for logistical stuff doesn’t bring a lot to the table.
Quite the opposite. That’s a HIGHLY valuable skill set.
It’s just that it ain’t MY skill set.
And it took darn near 30 years to finally admit it.
I’m the guy you want on your team to create the magic.
But I am NOT the guy to harness that magic and exploit it for all its worth.
A couple points from all this:
- As Dirty Harry said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” Then don’t do that stuff.
- Hire or partner with somebody who is good at what you suck at.
Sounds simple, right?
Simple but frickin’ brilliant I say.
Listen, blow this off as stupidly obvious if you want. BUT… I’ve lost out on at LEAST 8-figures in my pocket because I tried to do all the stuff I suck at for too damn long.
Do the stuff you excel at.
And one nice little serendipity is this:
It’s probably the stuff you enjoy the most.

P.S. I’m taking my own advice.
I’m going to keep creating the magic… and continue coming up with breakthrough new business, product and copy ideas.
The difference is, now I’m partnering with people who rock at the logistical skills of exploiting my creations for maximum money.
If you have an established business (no start ups) grossing at least $3 million in yearly gross sales… and you have a need for someone like me who can make it rain money… we should talk.
Just click here and let Jackie or Katie know that you would be interested in finding out how to partner with me.
Pax vobiscum.