Ever hear of David Garfinkel?
He’s a copywriter’s copywriter. He possesses a brilliant mind
combined with the ability to craft spellbinding copy.
And that’s a deadly combination.
Not only that, he’s one of the best teachers and coaches of
copywriting I know.
His coaching client list reads like a “who’s who” of A-list copywriters.
Well actually, on the “who’s that?” list before coaching with Garf…
then on the “who’s who” list of A-listers AFTER coaching with Garf.
I’ve personally hired him to look at some of my copy. And now I’m
fortunate to call him a friend.
Anyhoo, Garf and I were jibber jabbering the other day about a mutual
In addition to being wonderful people to work with, this client provides
tons of opportunities for their copywriters to continually improve their
One of those many opportunities is a weekly 30-minute copy review
We all receive a successful control from them (in a plethora of markets)
each week to study. Then we jump on Go To Meeting and analyze the
There are some brilliant copywriters on that call each week. If this were
something open to the copywriting world (it’s not… it’s invitation ONLY)
a monthly price point of $1,000/month would be a screaming bargain.
THAT’S how valuable this is.
And frankly, if a clever copywriter can’t take what they learn each week
and use it to make at LEAST an additional $1,000/month…
…they are a bovine, clodpated, citified moron. In my most humble (but
accurate) opinion.
(I LOVE using obscure movie references! Occasionally somebody even
recognizes them and emails me. Love that, too.)
So imagine my amazement when I get a group email from this client to all
the copywriters… in house and freelance… saying that a lot of them aren’t
attending this meeting.
I was dumbfounded by this.
When I was invited to participate last year, I felt like I was now… after 20
years of writing copy… in the “in” crowd of A-listers. I felt like…
“YES! 20 long years and at LEAST 17,000 hours (probably more)
of sweating frickin’ BLOOD on the page… and I have finally arrived!
“And even more amazing… this “gold mine” client is allowing little ole me
weekly access to the keys of the copywriting kingdom.”
I couldn’t have been more thrilled and excited.
I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and brag about it to my family so they
would know I’m not the black sheep loser they’ve pegged me for all these years.
That’s why I was so amazed that a lot of their copywriters blow off this meeting.
Then I got to thinking. (I probably do that too much.) It all makes perfect sense
No matter what you do, you can’t seem to get away from the Pareto principle.
The ole 80/20 rule.
And the 20/20 rule. (More about that in a sec.)
In spite of this client being the BEST copywriting gig out there… (I know that
for a fact, dude. I’ve been in this game 20 years and I know EVERYBODY)…
… and even though they provide a plethora of opportunities for their copywriters
to constantly get better so they can excel…
…only 20% of them are responsible for 80% of the client’s income.
And here’s an interesting fact:
The 20% of the 20% (the top 4%) are the people I see on that copy call… week in
and week out.
Makes me wonder if maybe… just maybe… a few of those 80%’er guys and gals
would get up off their asses and show up on those copy calls…
…with an open mind, positive attitude…
…with a willingness to humble themselves and learn…
…they could possibly join the high earning 20%’ers.
AND… maybe… just MAYBE…
…if they would actually stop hiding behind their computers, participate in those calls
and ask questions…
… AND keep stepping up to the plate and swinging for the fences…
…perhaps… possibly… perchance…
…they could earn a spot in the top 4%.
I believe any of them could do that.
The question is, WILL they do it.
Their employer/client certainly is providing every possible opportunity for that
to happen. But amazingly, only a small percentage of them seem to be taking
advantage of it.
This is not a copywriting thang. It’s a human being thang.
And it totally explains why only 20% of the population earns a majority of
the money. AND… why only 4% of the human population makes the big
Bottom line…
It ain’t a skillset issue.
It’s a MINDSET issue.

All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. Look… I know I repeat myself a lot.
There are very specific reasons I do that.
So if you hear me repeating the same story/lesson/saying over and over,
you should probably pay close attention.
Pax vobiscum.