I ain’t gonna do the guru thang.
You know the routine:
“Look at my Rolex. It cost more than six times more than the average monthly salary of a college graduate.
“And look at my garage full of luxury cars. I drive the red Ferrari on Mondays. I drive the baby blue one on Tuesdays. That was a custom color, by the way. The paint job alone set me back $30k.”
I don’t know about you but that crap doesn’t motivate me anymore.
In fact, the implied message in all that is… “I’m better than you. Cuz I’m rich and you’re broke.”
So if you think I’m going to brag about my Rolex, you couldn’t be more mistaken.
In fact, the Rolex represents the BIGGEST mistake of my entire life. A mistake I kept making over and over.
And it kept me miserable and empty. No matter what goal I accomplished I was always left feeling, “Is that all there is?”
BUT… the Rolex is what finally led me to discovering the REAL secret to happiness.
I’ve figured out the ONLY way you’ll ever be truly happy.
But it also reveals the secret to reaching any and all of your financial and material goals, too.
You see, only 4 months prior to buying the Rolex, I was bankrupt. Financially, emotionally and spiritually.
And even more humiliating, I was homeless and living in my car with Donner, my Doberman.
With God as my witness, on my mom and dad’s graves and my hand on a stack of bibles, I swear to you this is true.
Four months later I was making 6-figures a month. And throwing around cash like a drunk politician in a Washington D.C. strip club.
And more depressed and miserable than when I was homeless four months earlier.
And THAT is what led me to discovering the secret to living and insanely fulfilling life and being TRULY happy.
Even more amazing, you can experience a life like that while being poorer than a church mouse… or making more money than Bill Gates.
In the May 2015 issue of The Doberman Dan Letter I reveal EXACTLY how to do that.
In the nearly 5 years I’ve been publishing my newsletter, I believe this is the most important issue I’ve EVER written.
Cuz in addition to revealing the ONLY true way of ever achieving true happiness, I also reveal the sordid details of my homelessness… and the crazy spending spree I went on after making millions only 4 months later.
Yeah, that’s some philosophy stuff in the May issue. But you can’t pay your bills with philosophy, can you?
So I also reveal my tried and true plan for becoming…
…rich and financially free for life… in only five to 10 years!
It’s what took me from being broke and homeless to making 6-figures a month in only 4 months.
It’s the easiest way I’ve discovered in 20 years of direct response entrepreneurship of making a LOT of money.
Not a “quick hit” thang either. It can build you an income for life if you want.
It’s at this point that I should close you on becoming a knight in my Marketing Camelot so you can get The Doberman Dan Letter each month.
But I’m not gonna do that today.
What I reveal in my May 2015 issue is so important, I’m going to give it to you.
100% free.
No strings attached.
You don’t even pay shipping and handling. I’m covering 100% of the costs of printing and mailing you this issue.
Well for one, if you don’t learn this lesson from somebody, I can pretty much guarantee life is gonna suck for you.
Because every single accomplishment will be followed by that let down “is that all there is?” feeling.
And I don’t see ANYBODY teaching this.
So I want to get the May 2015 issue of my newsletter into your hands as quickly as possible.
Yes, I’m GIVING it to you.
You pay nothing.
You don’t even have to enter in any credit card information or anything.
It’s yours simply for the asking.
And, no it’s not a PDF. How many of those do you have sitting on your hard drive unread?
This message is so important I’m going to send it to you in the ONLY way that will resonate with the parts of your brain responsible for stimulating the emotions necessary for maximum comprehension and retention.
That means it will be delivered to you in HARD COPY… right to your doorstep.
It’s yours simply for the asking here…

All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. Get ready for a HUGE paradigm shift.
I believe this free issue of my newsletter is going to change the way you think… forever.
It will be sent to you via First Class mail. So give it about 3 to 5 days for delivery if you’re in the US.
Probably about 7 to 14 days for delivery outside the US.
And god knows how long to Canada. (What the heck is going on up there with the Canadian postal service?)
Oh, one more thing…
I’d love to hear your thoughts after you read it.
Pax vobiscum.