Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

WARNING: Do NOT read this if you’re a wimp…

In my more than half a century on this planet, I’ve seen some crazy stuff.

But I’ve never seen anything like what’s going on in the world right now.

There’s really no precedence for anything like it in my lifetime.

And I’d be lying if I told you that I don’t worry.

Yup, worry tries to take over my mind a LOT. It always has. But even more so right now.

If that’s the case for you, here’s why you need to work overtime to make sure worry can’t ever get a foothold.

First and foremost…

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

If that quote is too ancient for ya and/or you don’t understand the lesson, I think a more modern prophet, Neville Goddard, explained it best:

“The world, and all within it, is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world.”

Listen… it took me more than 50 years to finally accept this as true. And all that time denying and doubting it created a pretty shitty life for me until I was finally FORCED to accept it. The things changed BIG TIME.

And I believe, now more than ever is the time to examine it.

You see, most people live their entire lives at the mercy of external circumstances.

If things go our way, we’re elated. If things don’t go our way we’re depressed.

Only the man or woman who is not conditioned by external circumstances is truly free. Because the truly free person accepts that the external circumstances of their life were CHOSEN by them.

You see, signs follow. They do not precede.

And your world and all within it is simply a reflection of your inner state.

As above, so below.

As within, so without.

On earth (your outward circumstances) as it is in heaven (your consciousness.)

I realize that you’ve been conditioned by the state, your parents, your grandparents, the gummint funded youth indoctrination camp (aka the “public school system”), your religion and everybody around you to think the exact OPPOSITE of this. So I can only imagine at how much you’re reeling against it.

But after an entire LIFETIME dedicated to seeking the truth… it’s the only thing that makes sense.

This is how I can accurately predict how YOU and your business will fare during these ever-changing times we’re experiencing right now.

Those who allow fear and worry to overtake their minds, in the BEST-case scenario, will barely make it through. And they’ll be forced to scale back their lifestyle to darn near Spartan standards.

And in the worst-case scenario… well… it ain’t pretty. And I’ll just leave it at that.

On the other hand, those who do take this message to heart and accept the responsibility to control their minds… while so many other business owners and marketers all around you are going down in flames — with fear and anxiety as their constant companions — YOU will STAY SAFE, happy and PROSPEROUS during all this chaos, confusion and panic.

In addition to that, you’ll FEEL GREAT. Because you can lay your head on the pillow each and every night not worrying, hoping and praying that things will be alright… but feeling completely AT PEACE. Because you KNOW you’ll be fine.

AND you’ll be able to predict to the penny how much money you’ll make today, tomorrow, next week, next month… and how many new customers you’ll get.

How can I say that?

Well, first of all I’ve got over 4,000 years of ancient texts that back this up. In fact, what I just shared is the overriding theme of ALL of them.

Every. Single. One.

Second, I’ve also got more than half a century of life experience that has proven this true. And the same amount of time observing thousands of other human beings that has proven it true, also.

So there’s that.

And finally, because I know the power of direct response marketing and good sales copy. Because I’ve spent almost half my life learning it and mastering it.

By the way, I did that by IMPLEMENTING it and backing it WITH MY OWN MONEY. Not just passively studying it like sooooooo many delusional dolts in the Internet Marketing niche do.

Based on all that, I can tell you this:

When you truly understand the power of direct response marketing, you’ll laugh at recessions and depressions.

And you’ll feel compassion for all the business people and marketers who are allowing it to destroy them financially.

Because once you understand direct response marketing and you know how to create compelling sales copy… you’ll see nothing but OPPORTUNITY during this economic crisis… or ANY economic downturn.

And you won’t back down in fear and stop pushing forward and advertising for new business. Because that’s what everybody else is doing. And thanks to them allowing fear to control them, YOU can grab all the business that normally would have been theirs.

THIS is what you must do if you want to PROSPER during this economic downturn.

But you MUST be totally up to speed with direct response marketing and copywriting. You can’t “half ass” your way through it anymore like so many people did during the bull market. Those days are over.

That’s why, I invite you to join me in the Marketing Camelot.

Not only am I now revealing how to make yourself immune to fear so you can totally kick ass in the marketplace… I’m revealing EXACTLY what you need to do right now to make maximum money in minimum time.

In addition to that, I’m PERSONALLY helping and guiding you on monthly webinars. Send me any questions you have and you’ll get my answers, direction and coaching on these monthly webinars.

Since I charge $2,000/hour for consulting, with these webinars alone you’re getting the equivalent of $2,000 worth of consulting every month.

You see, on these new monthly webinars I’m sharing what’s working RIGHT NOW for keeping your sales up… while business owners and marketers NOT privy to this information are dropping like flies.

And I don’t see ANYBODY sharing this stuff. Probably because most of the young’uns are completely clueless about it.

In fact, just about everybody who started in direct response/online marketing after the year 2000 is completely unaware that these secrets even exist. And that’s a SIN… ’cuz this stuff is CRUCIAL right now due to what’s going on in the marketplace.

If you want in on my inner circle, do this IMMEDIATELY:

Click here and claim your knighthood in the Marketing Camelot.

As soon as you do that, three things will happen:

  1. You’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to special knights-only online content you can implement IMMEDIATELY to boost your sales and profits…
  2. You’ll be able to participate in our now monthly webinars… and ask me any questions you need answers for.
  3. Holly in fulfillment with lovingly prepare your new knight welcome package and ship it to you by Priority Mail.

If you’re worried about your business right now and you want the most efficient, EFFECTIVE and PROVEN strategies, tactics and guidance for making sure your business doesn’t fail during this recession… then claiming your knighthood in the Marketing Camelot is the very BEST decision you could possibly make at this most volatile moment in our lifetime.

Click here to check out all the stuff you get

All the best,
Doberman Dan


Successful serial entrepreneur divulges his contrarian formula for getting a rush of new customers… building your business faster than ever… and making the highest possible profits…

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
  • NO search engine optimization…
  • NO giving away free stuff…
  • NO endless email sequences…
  • NO blogging…
  • NO content marketing…
  • NO social media…

… And without all the other “grunt work” that rarely – if ever – results in getting new customers and making money!

We promise to not rent or sell your email or use it for spam

Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
  • NO search engine optimization…
  • NO giving away free stuff…
  • NO endless email sequences…
  • NO blogging…
  • NO content marketing…
  • NO social media…

… And without all the other “grunt work” that rarely – if ever – results in getting new customers and making money!

We promise to not rent or sell your email or use it for spam

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