I read an interesting and somewhat disturbing survey the other day.
It showed that 35% of Americans have thought about packing up and
moving overseas.
Not travel for recreation.
They want to get their body and their money outta here ASAP because
they believe the U.S. is going to hell in a hand basket.
BUT… here’s the most shocking part…
The number of people wanting to expatriate SKYROCKETS when you’re
talking about the Millennials, people between 18 and 34 years old.
55% of them said they are seriously considered expatriating.
I have some important (and quite contrarian) advice for anybody
considering this.
ESPECIALLY Millennials.
And my advice could make you wealthier than you ever imagined
Or even in the absolute WORST-case scenario, it could create a
DREAM life for you.
It’s all laid out for you here…
If you hate Steve Jobs and iTunes and prefer to listen on an Android device…
…OR… you just prefer to listen online, go here instead:
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. Before you ever start a business in the U.S. you really should listen
to what I have to say on this episode.
Your business and your life can be a LOT less complicated and a LOT
more profitable.
Pax vobiscum.