Dear Friend,
I just had two students in my Supplement Business Intensive launch brand new supplement businesses.
Both of them hit home runs their very first time up to bat.
What do I define as a home run?
It’s when you invest $1 on your ad buy and get back $2… in only 24 hours or less.
And since I launched them the most brain dead simple way… a way that allows you to start with a bare bones minimum amount of capital (you probably spend more on your cell phone bill each year) while still having the highest possible chance of success.
AND… because of the media I had them launch in, they will be able to scale up to 6-figure per WEEK media buys within the next 6 weeks or so. 7-figure monthly media buys are just a matter of time.
So I’m pretty happy. My first two Supplement Business Intensive students will have multimillion dollar supplement businesses within the next 12 to 18 months. Five others are scheduled to launch the exact same way in the next 4 to 6 weeks.
(Bad news. Enrollment in the Supplement Business Intensive is closed. Permanently. The only people who can still get info about launching a supplement biz the Doberman Dan way are the knights in my Marketing Camelot.)
Wanna hear something you may find hard to believe?
The most advanced, high tech piece of technology these guys need to launch a multimillion dollar business from scratch is an Excel spreadsheet.
That’s not what you’re used to hearing from the gurus, is it?
So how do you reconcile my brain dead simple, old skool, low tech system for launching a multimillion dollar nutritional supplement business with the notion that a fancy, high tech “ninja” breakthrough online marketing system (with some sexy psycho-babble name) is going to make you a millionaire overnight?
That’s what you’ve been promised time and time again, right?
Shocking news…
A marketing course, method, system, trick, tactic or secret… or the plethora of BSO’s (bright shiny objects) offered in our little world…
…none of that stuff is what makes the magic happen.
YOU do.
Most of the people in this strange little community of ours are perpetually packing a whopper of a woodie for whatever is being pitched as the latest and greatest thang. With names like Ninja… Magic Mind Manipulation… Colossal Conversions… Magic Money Button… and Something, Something, Something Assassin.
People in the IM world chase these BSO’s like a pack of hounds chasing a mechanical bunny.
The players may change but the game remains the same. It’s not about whether or not you can be successful with this stuff. In fact, this stuff NOT working for you is the key to keeping this all going. You see, this game can only continue to exist by churning money… and you wouldn’t continue buying BSO’s if they actually work.
If these sound like the words of a dour and cynical pessimist you couldn’t be more mistaken. For I, Sir Dan of Doberman, shall reveal the truth you’ve been seeking.
The REAL secret.
The stuff the “A-list” dudes and dudettes have spent a lifetime figuring out.
The little known secret that means the difference between your copy… your product… your business being a little league base hit… bringing in a modest little stream of income… OR…
An all star, major league, Mark McGuire
grand slam HOME RUN!
The base hit will allow you to enjoy a mediocre income and live an OK life.
The home run will allow you to live a life more exciting than you can possibly imagine right now.
A life (if you really want this) that can be lived on the private island you frickin’ OWN. And when you get bored with your island, you can traverse the world on your yacht and Lear jet.
Yeah… this can make THAT big of a difference.
What am I yammering about?
Well, yesterday I had a conversation with a crazy successful entrepreneur. If you’ve been a true student of this industry you would certainly know his name. He’s a legend… and has enjoyed a multi-decade string of major successes.
So a few rookies may be shocked at what he shared with me.
He said…
“Every time I sit down to write copy… or come up with a new product idea… reinvent my business… or create an entirely new business… I think to myself… ‘I wonder if I’ve still got it. Can I really do this again? Am I capable of creating another home run again… or have I lost it?’”
Yup… this is the internal dialogue of a MAJOR player when he decides to create something. And the dude has been marketing in space ads, direct mail and online VERY successfully for 30 years.
So if you’ve ever had thoughts like this… doubts… questions about your ability… I’m here to tell ya…
It’s normal, bro!
(Or sis, as the case may be.)
We ALL deal with this in some form or another.
Even the big dogs.
The difference between the rookies who STAY at the rookie level and the ones who move up to the A-list is how they react to those thoughts and feelings.
You see, it takes the same amount of time and skull sweat to think, “I suck. I don’t know if I can do this. Maybe I’ve lost it. Hell, maybe I never had it in the first place.”
… as it does to think the opposite.
It doesn’t take any more time or effort to…
- Decide upon and define your intention…
- Imagine it in detail… even down to the most mundane… like what color flip flops you’re wearing on that private beach of yours…
- Temporarily, as best as you can, push aside those “I suck, I don’t know if I can do this” thoughts and focus on your intention before, during and after writing your copy. (Or doing whatever other task you’re doing.)
- Every time those “I don’t deserve love” thoughts pop up (and they WILL, I guarantee you) re-focus on your intention.
A bit taken aback by the “I don’t deserve love” explanation of your internal dialogue?
Well, when you boil them all down to their essence, regardless of the specific WORDS you hear in your imagination, that’s what they’re REALLY saying.
So… you’ve got a choice to make here, Rook:
- You can allow the fear to percolate inside that over-sized cranium of yours… and be satisfied with a string of base hits… or…
- You can define and focus on your intention and allow THAT to be the dominating presence within that pretty, but slightly demented, noggin of yours.
(Notice I didn’t say the fear thoughts would go away. I just said you can focus on what you desire.)
Everybody’s always looking for that one magic technique, tactic, “how to”…
… some shortcut, BSO (I’m changing this acronym to mean “bullshit object” from now on), magic money button…
… some new tweak, twist or turn…
… some psychological/NLP/black hat emotional manipulation method…
… some magical combination of words or phrases…
… something outside themselves that will create their big breakthrough home run.
Hell, most people spend their entire LIVES searching for that. (It’s EPIDEMIC within our little community.)
Poor deluded bastards.
The secret you’re searching for… the way to get to the big breakthrough home runs you lust after… is revealed in the simple 4-step secret I just shared.
Sadly, most rookies will toss it away as too simple… while continuing on their fruitless search for that “one secret.”
I just gave it to ya, Rook.
Took me 29 years of blood sweat and tears… more mental anguish, anxiety and agony than you can probably imagine… and god knows how many millions lost. (At last count it’s $10 million at the bare MINIMUM. Most likely more. But that’s too painful to think about… so I won’t.)
Look… there’s no magic online money button that spits out $100 bills. Even though there are plenty of courses for sale promising that… and telling you to outsource the button pushing grunt work to someone in the Philippines for a dollar and hour while you relax on the beach.
The plain unvarnished truth is…
There ARE no secrets!
This is all work, man.
And sure, it’s better than digging ditches in the 95 degree Florida sun for minimum wage. But it’s still work… and you gotta do it (and make tons of mistakes along the way) if you want to get to your end goal.
So if you’re gonna do the work, you might as well get the biggest bang for your buck, right?
And what will determine that?
DUDE! Have you been sleeping? I just done told ya!
THAT is the secret you’ve been wasting lots of time and money searching for.
I’ve got no reason to bullshit ya. My only motivation is to help a fellow traveler avoid the damn near three-decade learning curve I had to go through to discover this.
Now go forth, prosper… and, as I always say…
Pax vobiscum.
All the best,

P.S. OK… so I lied.
There are TWO secrets.
The one I just shared in this long-winded little diatribe…
… and the one I just shared 4.3 seconds ago.
Did you catch it? The one in Latin?
Yeah… that’s a big damn secret, too.