Imagine yourself walking alone on a bitter cold and starless night.
Unexpectedly, you come upon a large, warm-looking house with a fire burning in the fireplace.
Upon approaching the house and pressing your face against the window, you see yourself sleeping comfortably before the fire.
Suddenly, you realize that you’re trapped outside your own house!
You realize that your life is rich, yet you stand impoverished.
You’re secure yet you stand on the edge of death.
You’re fulfilled yet you stand sterile, arid and empty.
Frantically, you begin to pound on the window, yelling at the top of your lungs to be let in.
But the Self inside doesn’t hear you.
And as you continue pounding, the glass barrier dividing you from your life only grows thicker… and your clenched fists throb with pain.
At long last, finally realizing that all your efforts of brute force achieve nothing, you sit quietly in the snow overcome by a single silent desire. An unfaltering hope that you might be one with your Self.
This desire, though appearing powerless, awakens the Self within. And with this awakening the barrier of the glass dissolves.
The house dissolves…
And you discover that you were really at home all along.
You find the night to be in fact your light.
And the bitter cold to be itself a consuming fire of utter joy and fulfillment.
All the best,
Doberman Dan