Didja see my email yesterday about how Chick Corea wrote the blockbuster jazz tune “Spain?”
Well here’s another great performer, John Cleese from Monty Python fame:
“I think if any young writer, someone who wants to become a writer or a performer, is listening then what I would say is, it is so difficult, the beginning, especially as a writer to do good written comedy, that I suggest at the start that you steal or borrow, or as the artists would say ‘are influenced by’ anything you think that is really good and really funny and appeals to you.
“And if you study that and try to reproduce it in some way then it’ll have your own stamp on it. But you have a chance of getting off the ground with something like that.
“But if you sit down one day, never having written before, with a pencil – or a computer but I write with a pencil – and you say ‘I’m going to write something completely new and original and very funny’ you can’t do it. It’s like trying to fly a plane without having any lessons, you know?
“You’ve got to start somewhere and the best way to start is by copying something that is really good.
“But people seem to think I was advocating stealing in general. No, once you’ve gotten off the ground you’ll develop your own style and you don’t need to steal.”
That’s EXACTLY why I give my knights my “30 Day Copywriting Crash Course.” (Not for sale anywhere. At any price.)
AND… why they get access to a growing swipe file with proven multimillion dollar copy controls they can model.
And my accompanying video analyses and copy templates.
The “30 Day Copywriting Crash Course” and the growing swipe file are the fastest and easiest ways of “getting off the ground” as John Cleese said.
This ain’t the swipe file “usual suspects.” You know… those sales letters that EVERYBODY has seen… that worked 30 or 40 years ago.
This is copy that is working like crazy making MILLIONS… and working RIGHT NOW.
You may even find my “30 Day Copywriting Crash Course” and swipe file not only help you write order-pulling sales copy…
They’ll also give you ideas for creating new products and even entirely new businesses.
The good news?
You can get IMMEDIATE access to both my “30 Day Copywriting Crash Course” and the knights only swipe file when you join me in the Marketing Camelot today.
See ya at the round table!
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. Notice that John Cleese didn’t say to start by copying. He said…
“…and the best way to start is by copying something that is really good.”
The key words being “really good.”
The pieces in the knights-only swipe file (and I add to it regularly) definitely qualify as REALLY GOOD.
They’re promos that are bringing in millions of dollars in sales and are working RIGHT NOW.
So you can see what’s working today… NOT something that worked 40 years ago.
Click here now to get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the “30 Day Copywriting Crash Course” and the kick ass swipe file.
Pax vobiscum.