Yesterday I offered a really good opportunity for a copywriting gig to my knights in the Marketing Camelot.
The client is looking for a full time copywriter. And they’re willing to pay handsomely for someone with the chops to do the job.
Here’s what I imagine happened after sending out the copywriter gig announcement:
A few of my knights responded by email and then sat on their hands waiting for a reply.
Now… if it was ME and I really needed a gig, here’s what I would do:
I would write the most kick-ass and attention getting email I possibly could.
The sole intention of sending this email would be to accomplish one thing and one thing only…
Get the client’s snail mail address and phone number.
Then, every single day, until I got an answer from him or her, I would send an attention-grabbing package VIA SNAIL MAIL using a little “theater”… to make sure the potential client couldn’t possibly ignore me.
After a week or so of sending “wow” packages, I’d call the dude or dudette.
And you know why I would stand head and shoulders above ALL the other applicants?
Because NOBODY else will do this.
99% will fire off an email (or maybe two at most) and wait to hear back from the prospective client.
What kind of creativity, desire and balls does that show?
Any moron can send an email. And many morons do. (Too many actually.)
But a REAL man or woman… one who REALLY wants to land a gig… will go the extra mile to show the client they have a little chutzpah.
And since a copywriting gig is really a sales gig… who in their right mind would want to hire some wimp who only has enough initiative to send a couple weak ass emails?
Look, I love email marketing as much as the next guy.
But it has SERIOUS limitations.
All the big boys and big girls who do big numbers in business, don’t solely rely on email.
They do whatever it takes to get on the phone with the prospect.
Or they meet with them face-to-face, belly-to-belly.
Do you need a gig or need to get in front of a PWM (player with money)?
Grow a pair and do it MY way.
I GUARANTEE you’ll get exponentially better results than the scared-of-their-own-shadow wimps who only rely on email.
All the best,
Doberman Dan