Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

THIS is the secret to success (TRUE STORY)

All life is energy.

Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current.

We know this because we can easily measure it. (No woo woo new age pseudo-scientific bullshit here.)

When you’re healthy, every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts.

Interesting little factoid:

Death is the absence of electrical activity in the brain.

Anyhoo… I said all that to say exactly what I said in the beginning…

All life is energy.

Energy is neither good nor bad.

It just is.

The results it produces depend on what frequency and amplitude you use and how you use it.

The same electricity the physical therapist uses to stimulate your muscles with a TENS unit is the same electricity used to execute people in electric chairs.

The same laser the U.S. Navy uses to shoot down missiles is also used to improve your vision with Lasik surgery. Or used by the plastic surgeon to remove facial hair and wrinkles.

Again, the difference is frequency and amplitude.

Why am I telling you all this?

Well, money is a form of energy.

More accurately, it’s energy that ATTRACTS it.

Now before you think old Doberman Dan has finally lost what little sanity he had left… allow me to explain.

It’s all actually quite pragmatic. And can be measured with MRIs and other high tech stuff.

Here’s a true story that demonstrates what I’m saying.

It’s about my friend and fellow entrepreneur, Marx Acosta-Rubio.

Back when the original Superman movie (the one with Christopher Reeve) came out, they released a Superman action figure.

Marx wanted that Superman action figure sooooooo bad. But his family was poor. His mom could barely afford to put food on the table let alone buy toys.

Now Marx was a poor eight year old immigrant who barely spoke English.

But every day he went to that toy store and looked at that action figure. (Us macho guys call them “action figures.” Really it’s just a doll.)

Heck, he practically MEDITATED on that doll.

Then one day he made a decision.

“I will have that doll. I don’t have the money… but that’s no problem. I just have to figure out how to get it.”

Key point:

He made a DECISION he would have the doll.

Actually, he made a COMMITMENT to get that doll.

The “how” was not known yet… but that wasn’t important.

You see, the COMMITMENT… and bull-headed stubborn unwavering will to accomplish something… and never give up until it’s accomplished…

…THAT is the important part.

Because it changes the energy in your brain and body. (Again, no woo woo stuff. This can easily be measured and documented.)

And this energy affects your actions. (If it’s strong enough it can affect the actions of others, too. But that’s a topic for another time.)

Gone are the LEGION of excuses you make for not accomplishing what you say you want.

Gone are the doubt… the hesitancy… the “I’m not good enough.”

Gone is the lack of clarity and vision.

Instead you forge ahead with a “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” attitude.

In spite of the fear.

In spite of the obstacles.

In fact, you SMASH through them like a steamroller on steroids.

And crystal meth.

Anyhoo… back to my story:

Every day after school… like clockwork… Marx was in that toy store staring at that doll.

Finally, in his broken Spanglish, he introduced himself to the store owner.

He simply said, “I want that Superman doll. But I don’t have any money. What can I do to get that doll?”

The store owner told him if he kept showing up every day after school, he would put Marx to work doing stuff like sweeping the floor, cleaning the bathrooms and helping stock the shelves.

Really, he could have told Marx he wanted him to clean every inch of the entire floor every day with a toothbrush.

Because the “how” didn’t matter.

Marx made a decision… no, a COMMITMENT that he would have that doll.

And was willing to do whatever it took to get it.

After a month of doing “grunt work” at the toy store every day, Marx was finally compensated.

With the Superman doll.

One of the many things I find enlightening in that story is this:

The energy of an eight-year-old boy influenced a grown man to help Marx accomplish his goal.

And THAT, my dear reader is the power of energy.

YOUR energy.

Energy that YOU control.

Energy produced by simply making a resolute, unwavering, “whatever it takes” commitment.

It’s as simple as that.

Listen… I want you to be successful. However you define that.

I want you to achieve your goals and dreams.

I want you to have a spectacular life like mine.

In fact, I made a COMMITMENT to help the few “salt of the earth” people on this planet who have the balls to commit to their dreams.

If that’s you… and it CAN be you if you simply make a decision like Marx…

…then I’m gonna help you achieve all your dreams FASTER than you could ever possibly do it on your own.

Click here for all the details

All the best,
Doberman Dan






Successful serial entrepreneur divulges his contrarian formula for getting a rush of new customers… building your business faster than ever… and making the highest possible profits…

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
  • NO search engine optimization…
  • NO giving away free stuff…
  • NO endless email sequences…
  • NO blogging…
  • NO content marketing…
  • NO social media…

… And without all the other “grunt work” that rarely – if ever – results in getting new customers and making money!

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Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
  • NO search engine optimization…
  • NO giving away free stuff…
  • NO endless email sequences…
  • NO blogging…
  • NO content marketing…
  • NO social media…

… And without all the other “grunt work” that rarely – if ever – results in getting new customers and making money!

We promise to not rent or sell your email or use it for spam

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