The Colombiana (my wife) showed this to me the other day.
It’s el “Baile del Perrito”… Dance Of The Dog for us gringos.
If after watching this you think that Latin “perros” have some sort of innate dancing advantage over our gringo dogs, you would be mistaken.
They don’t.
What you’re witnessing is the result of 10,000+ hours of dog training experience.
It was a good reminder to me of this:
The higher the level of mastery, the more effortless it appears.
AND… the more effort it conceals.
Or as Michelangelo said:
“If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.”
Enjoy the video.
In the meantime, I’ll be spending the rest of the day adding another 3 hours or so to the 17,000 (more or less) I’ve already invested writing copy.

All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. Did you notice that “la perrita” performed that dance the entire time on her hind legs?
That’s like one of us humans doing an entire choreographed dance during a 4-minute hand stand.
I LOVE that dog!