Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

The Internet is under attack!

Monday, [5:55] AM (Approx. 25 hours and 55 minutes after the initial attack.)

Dear Friend,

What will you do when the Internet is under attack?

When hundreds of thousands or MILLIONS of websites are down… including all YOUR webites?

Your sole method of doing business taken away.

And it lasts days, weeks… or months.

What will you do?

Fear mongering, you say?

Not at all.

Over 700,000 websites have been down since [4:00] AM September 25, 2011 due to an attack on the ENTIRE InMotion Hosting company.

And amongst those 700,000 sites, guess who has ALL their websites hosted there?

Yup… moi’. is back up, obviously. (Duh!)

But the other 15 or so sites… the ones I rely on for REAL businesses that support my family have been down for almost 26 hours… and continue to be down.

Nowadays for most people, an attack like this means they’re out of business.

But not me.

See, I’ve been expecting this… and I’ve been prepared. (Not as prepared as I SHOULD have been… but that will soon be corrected.)

But as far as this not affecting my income an awful lot, I’ve been prepared.


1. I still send direct mail to my entire customer list.

2. I’ve been set up since the very beginning to accept orders by phone.

3. AND… I can process credit card orders by phone if there’s a problem with my merchant account provider’s website.

Soooo… if this little act of Internet terrorism continues much longer…

I’m switching to 100% OFFLINE!

…and my income will not be affected very much.

(Actually, based on my 17 years experience with direct mail, my income will probably go UP!)

If you do business with just a website and a Paypal account, how many days can you afford to be down like this and still feed your family?

Something to think about, huh?

Look… history, human nature and current events seem to show this won’t be the last time something like this happens… so a prudent person will be prepared.

I’ve learned several things from this incident and so will InMotion Hosting. They will probably improve their security based on what they learned from all this.

Ya know who else learned something?

The hacker community.

And they will be much better equipped for their next attack.

Look… if you have a 100% online business… and you depend on that business to support the same bad habits I have (sleeping indoors and eating regularly)… you might want to give some thought to all this.

Just in case you think I’m making all this up… click here to read about the attack.

All the best,



P.S. Compared to other things I’ve been through, this one is a walk in the park.

Isn’t it best to be prepared for the absolute worst… and if it turns out it ain’t that bad you’re still ahead of the poor, clueless and unprepared suckers?

Hell, being prepared for the worst is the only reason I’m still alive today… when statistically I shouldn’t be.

It ain’t paranoia… it’s just plain smart.



Successful serial entrepreneur divulges his contrarian formula for getting a rush of new customers… building your business faster than ever… and making the highest possible profits…

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
  • NO search engine optimization…
  • NO giving away free stuff…
  • NO endless email sequences…
  • NO blogging…
  • NO content marketing…
  • NO social media…

… And without all the other “grunt work” that rarely – if ever – results in getting new customers and making money!

We promise to not rent or sell your email or use it for spam

Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
  • NO search engine optimization…
  • NO giving away free stuff…
  • NO endless email sequences…
  • NO blogging…
  • NO content marketing…
  • NO social media…

… And without all the other “grunt work” that rarely – if ever – results in getting new customers and making money!

We promise to not rent or sell your email or use it for spam

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