I was a law enforcement officer for 12 years.
(I SWEAR I just heard a collective groan. ‘Cuz this must be the 999th time you’ve heard that from me.)
Anyhoo… I didn’t take that gig to get pats on the back. And that’s a damn good thing… because I NEVER got them.
Not even when my partner and I collared two of the FBI’s most wanted cartel hit men… AND simultaneously made the biggest drug seizure of the year.
Yeah… just two lowly street cops.
Not even a “good job” from the frickin’ FBI.
That’s why I was shocked a few weeks ago when somebody interviewing me said “thank you for your service” when I was telling the story of my old cop days.
That was the first person since 1985 (the year I entered the police academy) to ever show me ANY kind of appreciation for the 12 LONG years of my life I lost in that gig. (And “lost” IS the appropriate word. Woulda, shoulda, coulda.)
By the way, I never heard anybody say that to a military veteran until recently.
And I’m not sure why considering that the US has been at war non-stop since the day I was born. (I’m counting the “war on drugs”… because it was officially declared a war.)
So there have been MILLIONS of people who have served in the military over my lifetime… and only NOW people are starting to say that.
Now I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest you do something different on Veteran’s Day today.
If you feel like saying “thank you for your service” to a vet or active duty military person, go for it.
But frankly, I think they’re just empty words.
In fact, for the most part I’ve stopped listening to what people say.
Instead, I observe what they DO.
And that tells me just about everything I need to know about them.
So instead of running your mouth this Veteran’s Day, why don’t you DO something that not only will help a veteran… it’ll help a bunch of other people, the economy and the entire damn country, too.
What can do all that?
It’s simple…
Get up off your ever-widening ass and go sell something.
I’ve heard thousands of people over the years TALK about the wonderful business idea they’re gonna start.
“Some day.”
I’ve seen a HANDFUL do it.
But THAT is how you show appreciation.
Not in empty words.
You “man up” and take action.
Let THAT be your show of appreciation on this Veterans Day.
It’ll accomplish a helluva lot more than you just running your mouth.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. I personally hand select a kick ass swipe piece… a proven control… and share it with my knights in the Marketing Camelot.
I also do a video review of each of the swipe pieces.
And my knights get a new swipe piece each and every month to study and swipe.
And that’s just ONE of the many benefits my knights get each month.
Pax vobiscum.