Dear Knight of the Round Table,
Yesterday I sent you a “heads up” email about a new product I was launching today.
And mentioned that you would get a big discount.
Well, thanks to technology making our lives better (he said with tongue in cheek) we can scratch the launch today.
Here’s what’s going on:
I’m releasing a new product showing how to add an extra 6-figures to your bottom line (I made $205,000 my first year) with an easy and fun 3-hour-a-week business.
If I would’ve have gone “ole skool” (as I prefer) I could’ve been selling this eight weeks ago. All I needed to do was burn the videos, audios and PDFs on DVDs or a USB drive.
But nooooooooo…
I had to have it hosted on a membership site.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
For a lot of reasons. (Most of which I’ll not go into today.)
But the dumbest and biggest pain in the ass reason is all the geeky stuff I had to hire geeks to do just to get the site to work like it’s SUPPOSED to.
First of all finding a competent geek ain’t exactly easy.
Second of all, finding one who is good for his word, does what he says he’ll do… and has it done by the time he says it will be done… even harder. (The cynic in me would say it’s now damn near impossible.)
So here I am, still waiting on geeks to do the work they said they’d do… do it CORRECTLY… and do it on time. (Too late on that last one. At this point they’re 4 weeks late.)
I’m keeping my fingers crossed, knocking on wood and not stepping on cracks… hoping that it will be ready to launch next Tuesday.
Stay tuned and I’ll keep ya in the loop.
And don’t forget…
When this bad boy finally launches, you’re gonna get a big ole knight discount. (The civilians have to pay full price. That’s their punishment for being too stupid to get knighted.)
Anyhoo… just wanted to let you know what was going on.
Doberman Da