Saturday, [3:39] PM
Dear Friend,
A short time ago I did a new video and revealed the jealously guarded secret of the richest direct marketers in the world.
In that video I revealed one of my most successful secrets for finding hungry markets with cash in hand, ready, willing and able to buy your products or services.
But that’s just one of the many money-making secrets I’ve got up my sleeve.
Today I’m going to show you how to start with practically NOTHING…
… No niche or market…
… No product…
… Hardly any money…
… And STILL start a “kitchen table” business that will…
Suck In The “Benjamins”
Like A Vacuum Cleaner On Steroids!
Sorry for the over exuberant sub-head there. I may have “drank my own Kool Aid” and got a little too excited.
But you really can start with nothing and make a bunch of money with a niche business like this. I’ve done it a bunch of times in several different niches.
It’s actually pretty simple.
Not always easy… but simple.
Let me show you another cool way I use the SRDS to enter new markets and develop new products.
Here’s a screen shot showing what you see after logging into

We want to click on the “Direct Marketing List Source” link. That’s the “Holy of Holies” that gives us access to all the direct mail lists available for rent… and tons of future multi-million dollar ideas.
Here’s what you see upon entering the “Holy of Holies”…

We want to click on “Class search”. This will show us all the different categories of lists.
Here’s what we see once we click on that:

We’re going to select “Domestic” because we’re just going to look at U.S. lists for now… and also “Consumer” because we’re just looking for consumer niches.
(Business to business can be awesome… but that’s the subject for another article.)

Here’s what we need to do next…
Let’s click on that drop down menu there that says “Click here to view classes”.
Let’s also click the radio button that says “Return only high ticket mail order buyers lists”. (We’re looking for PWM’s… Players With Money.)

There were some really interesting classes where I know I could make money… but “dogs and pets” caught my eye because I’m a dog guy. (Duh! Doberman Dan, remember?)
Anyhoo… here’s what I found…

There are 47 lists in the “dogs and pets” and “high ticket mail order buyers” class.
I’m sure I’d find some great lists in there if I wanted to scroll through and check them all out.
But just for fun… let’s click on the very first one, “Advanced Animal Concepts” because I like that $120 average unit of sale (AUS).

Here’s the top half of the data card. (I couldn’t capture a screen image of the whole data card at once.)
It tells us that this is a list of catalog buyers who have bought products and information on holistic pet care and the AUS is $120.
The list source (how the people came onto the list) is 100% direct mail (catalog).
So this company mailed out catalogs and got buyers who paid an average of $120 for products and information on holistic pet care.
Here’s the bottom half of the data card:

It shows there are 47,209 buyers over the past six months at an average unit of sale of $120.
47,209 x $120 = $5,665,080… divided by 6 months =
$944,180 A Month…
All By Direct Mail!
That ain’t nothing to sneeze at!
Right out of the chute I hit the jackpot.
I found a great market (pet owners) with money ($120 AUS) and a proven way to affordably reach them (direct mail).
So now we just need to figure out what to sell them.
Well, let’s look at the data card again. It says…
“Catalog buyers of the latest products and information (my emphasis added) on natural and holistic pet care.”
Do you have any ideas for a product we could sell to these people that would be quick, easy and cheap to develop?
Go ahead… I’ll wait while you think about it.
(Theme from Jeopardy plays…)
That’s right…
Information Products!
I knew you were smarter than you looked. 🙂
Here’s what I would do next…
1. Contact my list broker and pick his brain about this list…
2. Ask the list broker who else has tested this list and who has rolled out. (“Rolled out” means they rented the entire list and mailed their offer to it. That’s a really good indication it’s a responsive list.)
3. Ask the list broker for a copy of the mail piece that generated the list…
3. Do some research on holistic pet health info…
Here’s where lesser mortal marketers would tell you it’s time to start developing your product.
Not moi’. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. And I’ve NEVER seen anybody else teach this in a public forum.
I’m going to show you how to…
Legally And Ethically
Do A “Dry Test”…
“What’s a dry test”, you ask.
Ah, my young apprentice… you have much to learn.
Marketers used to run an ad or do a test mailing for a product that didn’t exist. If the response was good, they would hurry up and create the product to fulfill the orders.
If the response sucked, they would return the customers’ money along with an apology letter saying the product is not available for whatever reason.
It’s a great way to test a product idea without investing the time and money to actually develop a product.
The only problem is, if you get caught…
You’ll Piss Off A Whole Slew
Of 3-Letter Alphabet Agencies!
Guys you REALLY don’t want to piss off… like the FTC, FDA, DOJ, FCC… and ABC, 123. (Didja catch the Jackson Five reference?)
But seriously, those guys can make your life miserable.
So you can’t dry test anymore…
… Or CAN you?
Yes you can!
And DD is gonna show EXACTLY how to do it without raising the ire of the alphabet agencies.
Here’s what you do…
1. Find a wholesale source for a holistic pet care info product that closely matches the the product you’re going to create… or…
2. See if you can make a deal and buy the rights (for cheap) from somebody who has a holistic pet care info product…
3. Or… ask if they will drop ship for you…
4. Create your sales letter for your holistic pet care info product…
5. Then, mail your test to the list and fulfill the orders with your wholesale sourced holistic pet care info product.
(BTW, you can do the same thing online by selling a product as an affiliate. Same process basically… just a different media.)
What have you just done?
You’ve just tested your idea and the responsiveness of the list WITHOUT having to invest the time and money in developing a product of your own.
AND… you’ve fulfilled all the orders with a product that meets the claims described in your sales letter.
You’ve got the results of your test… your customers received a good product… and you didn’t piss off the alphabet agencies.
Frickin’ brilliant, ain’t I?
Humble, too! 😉
Now that you know you’ve got a winner, it’s time to create your own product.
Take your holistic pet health research and start writing a manual.
Oh, quit whining!
Just set aside 30 minutes every day and write the manual. You need the practice anyway. And the self discipline of writing a minimum of 30-minutes a day will do you a world of good.
Or… if you’ve got a little cash to invest in this deal, I’ll let you off the hook. Go hire a ghost writer to write your manual. (Man, you’re getting lazy!)
But it’s kinda hard to sell a manual for much more than $30 to $40… so what can we do to increase the value of our product and get the price up to $100 or more?
How about we interview some veterinarians who are experts in holistic health care?
And how about we put those interviews on CDs?
Let’s Bump The Value
(And Price) Up Even More…
How about we send those interviews to be transcribed and include the transcriptions as a big thick bonus report?
Or how about this…
We videotape those interviews and put them on DVDs that we include along with the manual and transcriptions?
Or how about this…
We find a veterinarian who is a holistic pet care expert, hire him for some videos and audio interviews…
… Position him as a holistic pet care expert fighting against the “evil mainstream medical establishment” that wants to medicate your dog with harmful stuff, ruin his quality of life and greatly shorten his potential life span…
… An advocate for the little guy showing you how to protect your pet from these “evil forces”… yadda yadda yadda…
I think you get the idea. We’re going to create a figurehead and build a business around him.
And that leads to more back end manuals, DVDs, CDs, continuity DVD/CD of the month clubs, etc., etc.
You get where I’m going with this, right?
That’s how these little “kitchen table” projects can grow into multi-million fungola cash cows.
So What Have You Learned
From Your Wise Uncle DD Today?
You’ve learned…
* How to find a hot market…
* What to sell to that market…
* How to “dry test” your idea before spending any time and money on product development…
* How to create a high value/high priced product…
* And last but not least… how to leverage your little kitchen table product into a frickin’ EMPIRE!
Whew! Did I over-deliver or WHAT?!
Because if you choose, you now have a template to go and make yourself a millionaire.
And I get the personal satisfaction of having shown you how.
All the best,

P.S. Here’s how to make sure this list is HYPER responsive to your offer…
Separate out all the dog owners and send them your “dog owner” sales letter for your holistic DOG health product.
Then separate out all the cat owners and send them your “cat owner” sales letter for you holistic CAT health product.
99% of the content of your sales letter AND your product is the exact same. Just do a word replace in MS Word and change “dog” to “cat” or vice versa, depending upon your audience.
You’ll get a better response that way than just nicheing this to “pet owners”.
There’s another million buckaroos in your bank account thanks to your Uncle DD!
P.P.S. If you want to make a lot of money really quickly, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Click here now to get my most jealously guarded secrets to finding red hot markets already spending MILLIONS… and how you can put yourself in the existing flow of that money so you can re-direct it into YOUR pocket.