I’ve been snatched from the jaws of death a lot more than I probably should have.
What saved my butt time after time?
What follows is one of the first and most powerful lessons on the power of choosing the right words.
Having never even SEEN the inner city in my entire life, the third day as a naive rookie cop assigned to “the hood”, I found myself staring down the business end of a 12 gauge shotgun.
I drew my worn and pock-marked Smith & Wesson Model 10 .38 Special “wheel gun” (wow… this really dates me) and found myself in a “Mexican standoff.”
The usual result of THAT is both parties eating hot lead.
And the poor bastard (ME, in this case) facing the 12 gauge shotgun was almost SURE to wind up pushing up daisies.
Or if by some miracle I survived, I would BEG for death every day I remained alive.
Definitely NOT the plans I had in mind for my life at the ripe young age of 21.
But I remembered back to my experience as a vacuum cleaner salesman. And how simply selecting the right words, spoken with the right tempo and tone had sold a shit-load of vacuum cleaners.
So in the midst of this hair-raising violent showdown, I summoned all the love and caring I could muster and uttered 3 simple words to this dude about to make mince meat of my brain.
He looked me in the eye, dropped the shotgun, bear-hugged me and cried on my shoulder like a baby, begging for my forgiveness.
And thanking me for being the ONLY person to listen to him and understand him.
It’s a lesson I still use to this day and have used numerous times in my copy to make MILLIONS.
I bet you’d like to know what those three words were, huh?
Well, I am ONLY revealing that lesson to the knights in my Marketing Camelot in the upcoming August 2014 issue.
Also, the July 2014 issue of The Doberman Dan Letter, the official publication of the Marketing Camelot is going to the fulfillment center any day now.
I’m revealing the latest “gold mine” I’ve discovered.
It’s been life changing for me… and could do the same for YOU… if you’re the right person. There’s more gold in this mine than I could dig out of there in an entire LIFETIME.
So I’m inviting you to bring your pick axe and shovel so you can dig out as much gold as your greedy little heart desires.
If you’re not a Knight in my Marketing Camelot… you SHOULD be.
And if you’ve been on the fence about it, you may very soon regret not joining us…
You see, the Marketing Camelot will soon…
DOUBLE in price to $199 a month!
The last date to get in at the current $98/month is coming soon.
And YES, there IS a method to my madness. I will reveal it in detail to the knights in the Marketing Camelot.
HINT: Info marketing is changing DRAMATICALLY. If you’re ignorant of these changes, I doubt you’ll even BE in business within the next 3 years.
Join my Marketing Camelot now before the price goes up and you’ll be grandfathered in for life at the current criminally low price monthly fee of only $98.
(If you’re already a knight in the Camelot, don’t worry. You’re automatically grandfathered in at your current monthly fee.)
Also my knights are gonna get BIG discounts on two upcoming events.
- “How To Crank Out Moneymaking Promotions In RECORD Time” webinar series
- “How To Become A Supplement Millionaire” webinar series… AND an accompanying live event.
My knights will get a SIGNIFICANT discount on these upcoming events and the “civilians” will be stuck paying PREMIUM fees to gain admittance. (The “non-knights” will probably pay TRIPLE.)
Look… NOW is the time to get off the fence and make an executive decision to join the our inner circle of fearless, noble, kick ass knights… AND get grandfathered in FOR LIFE at the lowest fee EVER.
I expect to see you TODAY in the Marketing Camelot.
All the best,

P.S. Check out what the Marketing Camelot has done for these folks:
“304th fastest growing company in America”
“We put into place the things we learned from Dan and the result was adding “rocket fuel” to our growth rate. In fact, in 2013 our little company was named the 304th fastest growing company in America by Inc Magazine. Our business grew over 1,400% and we credit Dan and our mastermind partners for helping us break through to the next level of growth. Thanks Dan and company!”
Allen and Erin Baler
Reboot Marketing LLC
There are LOTS more endorsements and testimonials from other big name PWM’s (players with money) here…
Look… successful people make decisions and make them fast.
And an intelligent person realizes this one’s a no-brainer.
Anybody who IS somebody… and those who are definitely soon going to be somebody are in the Marketing Camelot.
Click here to get in the door at this crazy low price before it DOUBLES on July 7, 2014 at [11:59] PM Eastern Time.
P.P.S. Pax vobiscum.