Today’s message will be one you’ve never heard from any other entrepreneur or marketer on earth.
One that could transform your life forever.
In ways you never could have previously imagined.
But first, I gotta tell ya this:
I want you to gift you — 100% complimentary — an expensive book.
One I previously sold for $1,000.
But not for the reasons you think.
You probably think my primary intention in offering you this expensive book is so I can make money in some way, right?
To be totally transparent with you, when I first wrote it, that was my primary intention. And one of the reasons why I sold it for $1,000, too. (Plus the fact that a 50x, 100x — or more! — ROI are quite common for the people who discover the secret in this book.)
Since then, a lot has changed.
As a result, making money is no longer the primary reason why I’m offering you this book for free.
Plus, if I just wanted to make money I sure as Gehenna wouldn’t be offering it to you as a free gift.
Allow me to explain this whole shebang. And to do that we’ll need to travel back in time to 1997.
That was the first year — after 9 loooooong years of struggle and serial business failures — I finally was able to get free of my j-o-b on the Dayton Ohio Police Department.
I did that with a mail order business I started part-time in 1995.
That was also the year that I discovered some very disturbing things about the U.S. gummint… and their ultimate diabolical goal for all of us’ns, their slaves. (I sounded like a tin foil hat wearing lunatic when I shared that with people back then. Nowadays, if you’re perceptive, you’re seeing it on the news every day.)
Not only was I deeply disturbed by this… it caused a profound fear and depression.
So, I wanted to extricate myself from that evil system post haste.
At that time, the only solution I found that appeared could accomplish that goal was to join the French Foreign Legion. So I started preparing for that… mentally and physically.
I’m serious as a heart attack. I really believed that was the only option I had to escape the system. (I later found that I was very mistaken.)
For days I cried about everything I’d have to leave behind.
The thing that hurt me the most was that I’d have to leave behind the only relationship I had in my life at that time, my beloved Doberman, Donner.
Long story short, at the last minute I realized that the French Foreign Legion was not right decision.
Instead, I sold everything I had, except my laptop and two changes of clothes. Then virtually overnight, Donner and I up and moved to a country I had never even visited before.
Yeah, I was that frustrated with my life within “the system.”
Fast forward to about two and a half years ago.
While doing some very deep research about what can only be explained as a global mass psychosis (I revealed all in an issue of The Doberman Dan Letter), I experienced an even more devastating feeling of hopelessness than I had in 1997.
I immediately started plans to walk away from all my earthly possessions (including my beloved little publishing business) to join an ashram. (That was before a mystical experience and consequent conversion I was gifted on Easter of 2021.)
As a result of that conversion… and knowing what I know now… instead of an ashram, my first choice would be to become a Carmelite monk. (The only problem is they won’t accept me because I’m married.)
Anyhoo… I said all that to say this:
Because of some recent discoveries, making money is no longer my primary focus these days.
Sure, I still have to support my two bad habits (sleeping indoors and eating at least once a day.) And I still haven’t figured out how to do that without money.
Therefore, I still work. (Thank God it’s work I enjoy most of the time and find interesting.)
However, after 30+ years investing most of my time and effort chasing mammon — making more sacrifices than anybody I’ve ever known… practically sweating blood to get it — I learned something of the utmost importance.
Something that very, very few entrepreneurs and marketers — even the most experiences ones — still don’t understand. And that’s this:
I’ve accomplished most of the goals I’ve desired for more than 30 years. But no accomplishment… no material thang… no amount of money… regardless of how long I lusted after it and/or believed it to be the key to happiness and fulfillment…
None of it has ever brought me the hoped-for happiness and fulfillment.
In fact, if there were any happiness and fulfillment experienced at all, it lasted a few days at the most.
Many times, only a few hours.
Now… granted, it took me a couple of decades to figure out that if what I’ve already accomplished hasn’t brought me happiness and fulfillment, accumulating more of the same ain’t gonna do it either.
Which puts me in a very, very small… heck, darn near infinitesimal minority.
Most never figure that out. And they die still chasing money, “success” and accomplishments… yet never achieving the happiness and fulfillment they think it’s gonna bring.
There’s a word for that, by the way. It’s called “concupiscence,” if you care to know.
Which is why my numero uno focus nowadays is no longer business and money.
Anyhoo, back to this expensive book…
Yes, I still have those two bad habits of sleeping indoors and eating to support… but the primary reason I want to give you a free copy of this book is this:
Because if you implement only 10% of what I reveal… you’re gonna make a lotta moolah.
And awful lot o’ moolah.
In fact, if your experience is like mine and many others who have discovered the “secret code” in this book, you’re gonna make more money that you’ve ever made… in your entire frickin’ life.
And why, pray tell, do I want you to do that?
The answer is simple, my revered reader…
If your experience is like mine (and I’m 99.99% sure it will be) making a lot of moolah is the only way you’re finally gonna realize that it ain’t gonna bring you all the things you think it will.
And it will be at that point you’ll finally come to this life saving epiphany…
There’s something much more important that needs to be moved up to the numero uno spot in your life.
Something of eternal importance.
Again, if your experience is like mine and the millions of others who have realized this (and I’m 99.99% sure it will be)… you’ll finally be on the right path — in fact, the only path — to finding the happiness and fulfillment you’ve chased for so long.
[Pregnant pause]
Pretty heavy stuff, huh?
Probably not anything you ever thought you’d hear in a sales pitch, I imagine.
I make no apology for it. You see, a few years ago, I made this my mission:
I want to help good, salt of the earth people make as much money as they think will bring them this elusive happiness and fulfillment they’re seeking.
‘Cuz in many cases — heck, probably most cases — that’ll be the only way to finally get ‘em off the “path of concupiscence” and to discover the true and only path to happiness and fulfillment.
Look, I realize this message just went over the heads of 99% (or more) of the people on this list.
If that includes you, don’t worry. Just do this:
Click here and claim your free copy of this $1,000 book…
Then as soon as it arrives, implement the tested and proven plan I reveal in Chapter Two. And do it as soon as possible.
That way, you’ll start making more cashola that you’ve ever made in your entire life.
And keep repeating that plan, accumulating as much cashola as you believe will bring you all the happiness and fulfillment you think it will give you.
Then… when you’ve accomplished your wealth goal… please reach out to me. We’ll have a little chat and I can give you the rest of the story.
Listen, if you’re not one of the legion of DDDs (dopamine dependent dreamers) who just talks, talks, talks about what they’re gonna do but never does it…
And you’re one of the precious, precious few doers… I guarantee you… this will be the most profitable thing you’ve ever done in the entire history of your business.
As a matter of fact, the secret you’ll discover in this book is the only way left for the “little guy” to get wealthy with online marketing.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. The last chance to get your own free copy of this massive, $1,000 book is when the countdown timer on that page goes to zero.
Or… whenever my current inventory (currently only 23 books) is gone.
Whichever comes first.
This link reveals all the deets…
Pax vobiscum.