Friday, [12:26] AM
“You are writing the script of your life.”
– John Carlton
Dear Friend,
Thoreau was right…
Most people really DO live lives of quiet desperation and die with the music still inside them.
Or like John Carlton said (not word for word, I’m paraphrasing)…
“Most people live their entire lives as if following a script written by somebody else.”
It’s true. Most folks (probably 99% of the population) have no earthly idea that THEY could write their own “life script.”
And even more amazing… they have no idea their script writing software has a delete button…
Nor do they know that they can change the plot… or even the entire cast of characters at any time.
You thought you had to follow the present plot out to the very end?
Not at all.
You thought you were on the last page of the last chapter?
Only if that’s what YOU decide.
Any time you decide, you can introduce an entirely new cast of characters… a brand new plot… and as many new pages as you need to complete your story.
Any time.
Even right now.
Did your last chapter not turn out like you expected?
Your hero went left at the fork in the road only to decide 500 miles down the road that he should have gone right?
No biggie.
Have him turn around and go back!
It really IS that easy.
In fact…
I Give You Permission To Do It!
If you’ve been sitting on your ass waiting for some magical, mystical authority figure to float down from the heavens, anoint you and grant you permission to make a change in your life…
There ya go!
You just got it.
You no longer have any excuses.
As a matter of fact, I’m going to take my own advice…
I’m going to back track to the fork in the road and go the other direction.
See, I think I may have gotten a little side-tracked with my humble ‘lil’ Doberman Dan biz.
I’ve been creating a lot of content for people who already have successful businesses and want to take them to the next level.
I’ve also been talking a lot about the success mindset and how to overcome challenges. (Probably because I’ve had a lot of challenges to overcome in that department.)
So I may have lost track of my original focus. And that is to be…
The Kitchen Table Entrepreneur’s Best Friend!
Look, making millions is a great goal.
But before you can make your first million, you’ve got to make your first dollar.
Or an extra $500 a month.
Or maybe an extra $1,000 a month would make a difference in your life.
Back when I was a lowly civil servant, an extra $1,000 a month would have made a HUGE difference.
Heck, an extra $250 a month would have helped… a LOT.
So if you’re like I was and have a j-o-b you’re DYING to get out of… or maybe you’d just like to make a nice extra chunk of change each month from a part-time kitchen table venture…
Let’s Get Started Rewriting The Script Of Your Life!
Who knows… maybe your little kitchen table business could turn into something bigger.
Several of mine did.
Oops! There I go again… getting ahead of myself!
Let’s get you started making an extra $500 to $1,000 a month first. THEN we can start talking about the bigger money.
So how are we going to start rewriting your life script and get you making some more money?
How about with one of my famous kitchen table businesses?
That’s the best way I know.
In fact, in this post I’ve already taken you step-by-step and shown you EXACTLY how I started my very first kitchen table entrepreneurial venture.
That’s a darn good model to follow. It’s worked for me a bunch of times… in a plethora of niches.
Several years ago I did a coaching program called — for lack of a better name — the Kitchen Table Business Coaching Program. I took 11 salt of the earth folks through my entire proven process with me.
But these days, I think I can go one better.
I’m going to start a brand new kitchen table business… in a brand new niche I’ve never worked in before.
AND I’m going to do something I’ve never done before.
I’m going to…
Let You Look Over My Shoulder At The Entire Process!
That’s right… you’ll get all the behind the scenes scuttlebutt.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
If this thang takes off like a rocket and makes me an extra six figures a month, you’ll get every single detail about how I did it.
If I get side-tracked trying to “chase two rabbits at the same time” (like so many entrepreneurs try to do)… I won’t lie to you.
If it’s just a “base hit”… making me an extra $500 to $2,000 a month… you’ll know the exact plan I followed.
If I fall flat on my face and the entire project bombs… I won’t hide it from you. You’ll get every dirty little detail.
Home run… base hit… or strike out…
You’re Going To Discover All My Best
Money-Making Secrets!
What’s that?
You say you’re chomping at the bit to watch me in action and discover my lazy man’s way of making money?
Well, keep your drawers on, Spanky.
The first lesson you must learn is patience.
I know… patience sucks. You want it NOW!
But to tell you the truth, this stuff is just too good to share with everybody and their brother.
You’re gonna have to QUALIFY to get these secrets.
And the first step in doing that is to click here.
As soon as you do that, you’ll be presented with an opportunity to join my inner circle. Because those are the ONLY folks I’ll share my 30+ years of successful experience starting “kitchen table” businesses.
Once you’re part of my inner circle, you’ll be the first to watch me “in action”… starting a brand new Doberman Dan kitchen table business… step-by-step… revealing ALL the nuts and bolts of making it happen… and watching the cashola roll in. (Well, I hope it rolls in… but we’ll soon see, right?)
Sound good?
Click here now to set yourself apart from the crowd and start rewriting the script of your life.
P.S. Wanna know why people always say the “P.S.” is the second most important part of a letter?
It’s from back in the old direct mail days.
Usually, after looking at the headline, people would skip to the end of the letter to see who had sent it.
And while they were looking at the end of the letter, the P.S. was a good opportunity to grab their attention.
That’s why you always hear the “you must ALWAYS include a P.S. in your sales copy” rule parroted by different gurus.
Wanna hear some copywriting heresy?
I’ve tested it online in my main niche at the time (my bodybuilding supplement biz)… and the P.S. didn’t make a lick of difference in response.
You see… when online people usually already know who is writing to them.
It’s not like the old direct mail days where you had to skip to the end of the letter to find out.
So maybe… just maybe… online at least, the P.S. ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Don’t get me wrong… I think it’s important to learn “the rules” and have a good foundation. But some of the most successful direct mail pieces and websites in the history of direct response have broken the rules.
So, yeah… learn the rules first… then try breaking them and see what happens.
Who knows… maybe breaking the rules is what’s gonna make you your first million.
Click here now to discover how I break the rules and still make money hand over fist.
Pax vobiscum.