Most likely (because I’ve engineered my attraction process this way) you’re a positive, go-getter, “the only helping hands are at the end of my own two arms” kind of person.
That rocks.
I HATE dumb ass losers infected with a deeply ingrained entitlement attitude. (Ironically, almost 97% of those blood-sucking leeches are Americans, a country founded on the exact OPPOSITE of that mindset.)
I have a message for those JAFO’s here. (JAFO is a reference from my ex-cop days.)
I said all that in my post so we can get something clear right now about our relationship.
(Actually, I can’t make it any clearer than what I said in my post.)
Look, I’m mentoring you in my emails and blog posts… and my iTunes podcast here…
Even though they SHOULDN’T be (because people don’t value or take action on free advice)… all these things are free. It’s my way of giving you a piece of my heart and life experience.
I will also send offers for products or services that I KNOW will be of extremely high value for action-taking people.
Now an intelligent person will realize… even if the product is not for them or they can’t afford it… they can learn a helluva lot about online marketing, copywriting and running an online business simply by observing how I market to you.
But a worthless fucking welfare-minded entitlement attitude waste of human flesh will get offended.
Good question.
If they’re not sucking at the public teat, they sell their limited life at least 5 days a week to the lowest bidder.
And they think THAT is OK.
But a person who creates value from nothing (unlike them) and offers that value to others to improve their lives… and provide an income for their family… is an affront to them.
And some react quite violently to it.
There are many deep-seated psychological reasons for this… and they’re really a form of mental illness.
Mostly it’s because deep inside they know that they, too could create values (instead of being a blood sucking leech of OTHER’S values) and create a much better life for themselves and their family.
But they don’t.
They don’t have the balls!
They permit the fear that we ALL experience when we decide to live the life of an entrepreneur to stop them.
Listen… EVERYBODY who decides to stick their heads above the crowd of “walking dead” sheeple feels this fear.
It’s normal.
The difference between us and them is we conquer the fear instead of allowing it to conquer us… and sentence us to living “lives of quiet desperation.”
The “John Galts” of the world…
…the people who could actually STOP the world if we decided to stop creating values…
…have ALL experienced the same fear.
In comparison, the entitlement-infected pussies… instead of “sacking up” and choosing to be a real man or woman… do the only thing they know how to do.
Instead of building like the REAL men and women who make this world go ’round…
…they DESTROY.
They’re pure evil… DESTROYERS of value!
They do this in an attempt to make themselves feel better by bringing the “John Galts” of the world down to their disgusting, basest “lizard brain” level.
Like I said earlier… I HIGHLY doubt that describes you.
I’m simply sharing it with you as a “heads up” about what you’re going to experience (if you haven’t already) when you step up and decide to pursue the noble life of a value creator.
BUT… in the teeny tiny, minute chance that one of these evil value-destroying, shameless, mooch-off-the-values-of-others pieces of living shit has somehow gotten on this list…
Unsubscribe IMMEDIATELY!
And make the world a better place by throwing yourself off the nearest tall building.
And for YOU… thank God, Allah, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Moses, Robert Tilton and L. Ron Hubbard (did I cover everybody?) that none of this tirade applies to you.
If that’s the case, as I’m almost sure it is… you are welcome here.
All the best,

P.S. Pax vobiscum.