Here’s something I bet you’ve never heard before…
You can mess up almost everything in your online/direct response business… and STILL be wildly successful.
You can fail 95% of the time and still get rich.
When I launched my first mail order biz, pre-Internet days, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and 8-tracks were high tech, I probably screwed up about 95% of EVERYTHING I did.
And I STILL made enough money to quit my dead end civil service job.
And I’m STILL screwing stuff up… and enjoying a lifestyle most people don’t even realize is possible.
Here’s the key that makes all this “screwing up” your ticket to financial freedom…
Falling forward and NEVER quitting!
Yes, even highly experienced marketers make mistakes and have to “re-learn” marketing lessons.
When you go out on a limb and take risks they don’t always work out like you expected.
But if you don’t take risks, you never grow.
That’s why I LOVE this business.
What other business gives you the freedom to make as many mistakes… and have such a high failure rate… and STILL be successful?
Go out and make some mistakes in your business. You’ll be glad you did.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. I’m the poster boy for goofing up in this business… and it has paid off REALLY well.
So go screw some stuff up!
Pax vobiscum.