Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dear Friend,
I’ve recently discovered how to…
♦ Make more money doing what you’re really passionate about…
♦ Do MORE of the things you love… and LESS of the things you DON’T like. (And in some cases… NEVER again have to do the things you don’t like doing)…
♦ And… how to live in a “Camelot” of your own creation…
Sounds crazy, I know… but I really AM pulling it off.
And life is getting really exciting here in the DD household.
I plan on sharing EXACTLY how I’m accomplishing this new breakthrough very soon.
And this IS a big breakthrough.
I’ve made a lot of money the past few years… but I recently came to the realization that I have not been happy.
(It took a Google slap and the accompanying loss of about $300k to $400k over the next 12 months for me to FINALLY re-evaluate my life.)
If you’ve been struggling to choose a niche or market where you can make some really good money AND enjoy yourself, I’m going to start focusing more on helping you do that.
If you’re stuck in a job you don’t like and simply want to make enough money to replace that income… and get you free from your j-o-b so you can have the time, freedom and money to enjoy your REAL passions… I’ve had some recent epiphanies and breakthroughs that should really help you.
See, most people spend their entire lives being a slave to money, never really enjoying the kind of exciting and rewarding life they COULD enjoy.
And if that’s not bad enough, after all that hard work, slave labor and letting other people control almost every single aspect of your life (cuz your time IS your life, brother)…
98% Die Broke!
Even though the U.S. ranks rather poorly amongst most other countries for personal freedom and civil rights… it is STILL one of the best places to make money.
So why are so many people spending their lives as slaves and then dying broke?
Because they’ve been lied to!
Almost EVERYTHING you’ve been told about how to make money… and how to KEEP money has been taught to you by broke people!
And NONE of it was true.
Dammit… I’ve had enough.
You CAN live a life most people can only DREAM about… and it ain’t that hard.
And I’m going back to my “kitchen table entrepreneur roots” to show you how to do it.
It’s great making millions… and that’s what I’ve been teaching… but that’s not what 98% of my subscribers need.
You need to make a hassle-free income that gives you the time freedom to do what you want, when you want to.
THEN… if you decide it’s what you REALLY want… you can go and make MILLIONS.
The past couple years I’ve been chasing millions… and there are PLENTY of opportunities to do that if that’s your thing.
But I feel like I’ve lost my way the past couple years. When I became a “kitchen table entrepreneur” my goal was never to get richer than Midas. It was just to get free of my dead end j-o-b to be free to pursue my REAL passions.
And that’s what I’m getting back to.
If that’s the kind of lifestyle and income you want for yourself, there’s some really cool stuff on the way soon.
All the best,

P.S. Some of the BIGGEST lies you’ve been told by the public school system and other broke people is about money.
First of all, there are some very interesting (and somewhat shocking reasons) you’re not making enough money… AND why you’re only keeping very little of what you’re making.
Even if you’re making a higher than average income, you’re probably keeping very little of it. WAY less than what you should be keeping. It will probably surprise you to find out why.
A few years ago, Gary Halbert said he would only share his highest of high level secrets with people he hand selected… and they would have to walk out into the ocean with him until they were neck-deep in the water. (That was to make sure they weren’t wearing a “wire”.)
In the next issue of The Doberman Dan Letter I’m going to reveal one of those secrets Halbert shared with me when we were neck-deep in the ocean. It’s some shocking stuff about why many entrepreneurs are making MILLIONS… but are STILL broke.
HINT: The deck has been stacked against you since December 24, 1913… and most people have no idea how to “beat the house.”
If you don’t know these secrets, chances are you’ll be one of those life-long slaves who will die broke… even if you make MILLIONS.