Ever heard of Thomas Young?
He was an English Renaissance man and physician born on June 13, 1773 and died May 10, 1829.
The most interesting thing about him was this:
Young was allegedly the last man to know everything.
It’s pretty hard to imagine that even being possible. But a couple hundred years ago it was.
You see, if you were smart enough, were a voracious reader, and had interests far-ranging enough… you really could know everything that was currently known at that time.
Nowadays, even if you’re the smartest person on the planet, there’s no way you could even know a teeny tiny FRACTION of everything humans know.
Even trying to know everything about only ONE subject is an impossible task.
So nowadays it’s not what you know…it’s what you IGNORE that’s most important.
But I rarely see people ignoring enough things to become successful.
Instead, they’re like a dog chasing its tail… pursuing every BSB (bright shiny bullshit) presented as the “magic pill” moneymaking solution online.
If you truly desire to be successful, the only answer is to focus.
Sadly, most people are completely clueless about what to focus on.
That’s why they’re chasing every BSB touted as the “secret” to online marketing success.
All the marketing veterans know that the biggest key to success is focusing on the basics.
But the online marketing community has been lied to and misled for so long… most rookies don’t even know what “the basics” are anymore.
Therefore they’re struggling MUCH more than they should.
Enough of that.
I’m cutting through all the bullshit and giving you the truth.
The truth that will allow you to make a LOT more money… a LOT faster than all the poor schmucks who are chasing the lies of the BSB.
I’m revealing EVERYTHING in The Doberman Dan Letter.
It’ll be mailed out to the knights in my Marketing Camelot any day now.
It’s not too late to get your hands on a copy.
Click here and join me in the Marketing Camelot today…
All the best,
Doberman Dan