Even though you’ve probably never realized it…
You’ve been indoctrinated…
Strike that… you’ve been programmed…
No, that’s not it either…
You’ve been HYPNOTIZED!
Hypnotized to remain a failure your entire life.
The formula we’ve been brainwashed to accept is actually a formula for leaving you six figures in debt in your early-twenties… with the only employment options available to you being menial low-wage jobs and no chance of advancement.
It’s a system that guarantees you’ll spend your entire life broke and you’ll DIE broke, too.
Even worse, you’ll probably be pretty damn miserable (and sick) for most of the journey.
If you went to public school… or really ANY institution of “higher learning” (deeper hypnotization)… THAT is the program you’re unconsciously following.
Listen, if you want to see the health of the tree, look at its fruit. And that fruit went rotten 30 years ago.
Yet “they” keep forcing millions of young people into this state sponsored indoctrination under the threat of incarceration. So sadly, most are doomed for life… before they even really get started.
But it ain’t all bad news. And most important, this doesn’t have to be YOUR future.
Based upon my observations, I see a paradigm shift happening all throughout the world.
A few intelligent people are waking up and following a NEW plan.
It’s the ONLY way left to rescue yourself from the old “poverty and death” plan… and become financially independent while having FUN in the process.
Listen, you know your future if you stay in the current plan. It ain’t pretty. So why put off your rescue plan any longer?
Your NEW plan is revealed on todays Off The Chain show.
Give it a listen now…
All the best,
Doberman Dan