I used to worry a lot.
About almost everything.
But ESPECIALLY about money.
It’s been that way since I was a child.
Until fairly recently.
It took four decades but I finally found the antidote to worry.
It’s the ONLY thing that has ever calmed my mind.
Well… a couple martinis would always calm my mind… but it didn’t last long.
Anyhoo… what a coinky-dink I’m talking about this today… Thanksgiving day.
‘Cuz the surefire, never-fail antidote to worry is…
A real, honest to goodness attitude of gratitude.
Regardless of circumstances.
Whether you’re healthy as a horse and making so much money you can’t even GIVE it away fast enough…
…or you’ve lost everything and you and your Doberman are forced to live in your 10-year-old POS (YOU figure out that acronym) Ford Taurus with a broken air conditioner.
Whatever conditions you find yourself in, be thankful.
This isn’t a woo-woo rant from some wannabee spiritual guru spouting new age platitudes.
I’m probably the most grounded, most pragmatic dude you’ll ever meet.
And I’m here to tell you… after suffering with extreme anxiety and PTSD for years and years…
…gratitude is the ONLY thing I ever found that freed me from fear and worry.
It requires no training, no coaching and no expertise.
The only thing needed is the ability to make the decision to be grateful.
You don’t even really have to DO much of anything.
When fear, worry and anxiety start to enter your concerned cranium… just repeat the following two
words over and over in your head:
Thank you.
Then think it again…
Thank you.
And if you’re REALLY a go-getter and want to make progress as rapidly as possible… say it out loud…
Thank you.
Listen, I’m not gonna tell you that you only need to do this a couple times and you’ll be free from worry
This is something you need to do everyday. Like drinking your Bulletproof coffee.
Several times a day is even better. (The gratitude practice. Once a day is plenty for your Bulletproof
On this Thanksgiving Day… allow me tell you…
Thank you.
I’m grateful for you.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. My message today is going out to two different lists…
My “civilians” list…
…and my knights in the Marketing Camelot.
I’m grateful for my knights… and I do my best to SHOW it in everything I do.
If you’re a knight in my Marketing Camelot, I appreciate you.
And I’m extremely grateful for you.
So grateful, in fact, I dedicate a part of every morning looking at your name and saying “thank you.”
Then I vividly imagine you getting the very best life has to offer you.
Then I say “thank you” again.
If you’re not already a knight, click here to discover what knighthood in the Marketing Camelot is all about.
I hope you’ll choose to claim your knighthood.
Because in only a couple days after you do that, you’ll see first hand (when two different surprises arrive in your mailbox) how grateful I truly am for you.
Pax vobiscum.