Dear Friend,
There were lots of interesting reactions to my “Living there, you’ll be free… if you truly wish to be” blog post.
Seems like a lot of people had a strong emotional reaction to this part:
“After having lived an exceptionally difficult and painful life for almost half a century… and finding late in life (unfortunately) the incredible power I’ve unknowingly had at my disposal that remained untapped for many of those years… this message has taken on an entirely different meaning.”
In case your journey has been similar to mine (God forbid)… I just want you to know this… in case you never hear it from anybody…
I believe in you.
You can do it.
(“It” being whatever you’re thinking about starting… have been dreaming about for decades… or maybe are currently struggling with.)
Hang in there. It always gets better.
I can’t say it enough… I believe in you.
All the best,

Doberman Dan
P.S. Pax vobiscum.