Who hasn’t wanted to shoot fireballs from their hands like a superhero, right?
Well now you can.
Ellusionist has introduced the “Pyro Mini.”
It’s a small wrist worn device that lets you shoot fireballs from your hands 10 feet into the air.
Hmmmmm… how could we use this thang?
How about this:
The next time your boss is on your case, do this:
Shoot a fireball over his head, roll your eyes back into your head and in a deep guttural voice say…
“By the power of Beelzebub and Hillary Clinton… I will swallow your soul!”
Then go right back to acting normal as if nothing happened.
That oughtta take care of the problem.
(BTW, Beelzebub and Hillary Clinton are one in the same.
But your boss probably doesn’t know that.)
What else?
Well, a single guy could use it to break the ice.
Imagine when you’re out on the prowl, you walk up to a hottie, shoot a fireball into the air and say…
“Hey hot mama. We haven’t even made love yet and I’m already seeing fireworks.”
What woman WOULDN’T be impressed with that opener… and IMMEDIATELY want to go home with you to cook and clean? (That’s what single guys want these days, isn’t it?)
Or how about THIS if you work with clients…
The next time you’re talking with a prospective client and they start doing the “Why should I hire you?” thang…
Or they start trying to negotiate your fee…
…shoot three fireballs over his left ear… and while looking intensely into his right eye, squinting like Clint Eastwood, say something like this:
“Did I shoot 3 fireballs or 4? You gotta ask yourself, ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya? Do you feel lucky, punk? And are you SURE you want to negotiate my fee lower?”
While saying that last sentence, raise your hand again as if you’re going to shoot another fireball.
The negotiation will be over at that point. And I have to assume your prospective client will be writing you a check as fast as his nervous hand can write.
And I highly doubt there will be any client compliance issues from that day forward.
Yeah, you could have a lot of fun with the Pyro Mini.
Ya know, I find it amusing when rookie copywriters and marketers think they can get by with the equivalent of a Pyro Mini in their copy.
I call it “copywriting pyrotechnics.”
They think that by using certain flamboyant, over-the-top word choices, phrases and metaphors, it will add persuasion power, make the copy hard to put down and give them great conversions.
Not really.
All the “power words”…
…and all the “it eats away the plaque in your arteries like a crazed pack of zombie pitbulls with rabies… on steroids, crystal meth and gunpowder… ravaging away, tearing out every ounce of plaque” clever metaphors…
…NONE of that stuff is what makes kick ass high converting copy.
Copywriting tricks and “pyrotechnics” isn’t what the A-listers use to create multimillion-dollar controls.
So what IS the #1 secret to writing copy that rakes in the big bucks?
That’s exactly what I’ve revealed in the December issue of my newsletter. The one that goes out (in snail mail) to the cherished knights in my Marketing Camelot.
I’m revealing the #1 thing that creates high converting copy that can make you wealthy.
And no, you DON’T need to be a highly experienced A-list copywriter to do this.
I’m convinced ANYBODY can do this.
Even a rank beginner.
Because I’m giving you my complete step-by-step, fill-in-the-blanks Doberman Dan system for doing it.
It’s a system you can use to make SURE that your copy has the #1 most important ingredient needed to connect with your market and convert like crazy.
Powerful stuff indeed.
But not for civilians.
After all, would you give the launch code for an intercontinental ballistic missile to a 15-year-old kid?
This stuff is just too powerful to give to civilians.
So I gotta keep it in the family.
The ONLY people who will have access to this info… stuff I spent 20 long years learning…
…burning through millions of dollars (literally) of my own money and practically sweating BLOOD in the process…
…are my knights
They get the benefit of learning it without all the struggles I went through.
In this little online marketing world of ours… one that’s bursting with hype and over-the-top claims…
…I’m gonna make a statement that puts me at risk of looking like just another IM shyster spewing bullshit.
But I’m gonna say it anyway… ‘cuz it’s true.
And ANY A-list copywriter and world-class marketer in the world will back me up on this:
If you want to get RICH in direct response/online marketing… and do it as quickly as possible…
THIS is the secret you MUST know.
You’re not a knight in my Marketing Camelot?
But you THINK you’ve got what it takes?
Get knighted TODAY and I’ll have our squire Holly RUSH ship you the December issue revealing this #1 secret to kick ass converting copy.
I’m looking forward to hearing your vivacious voice on our next “Knights of the Round Table” webinar.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. One of my knights, Jack Born, wrote me two days ago.
Jack is a VERY high level online marketing badass.
Some REALLY big names in online marketing (Perry Marshall being one) rely on Jack when they have a really tough “marketing nut” to crack.
He’s also the inventor of AW Pro Tools, an insanely valuable tool that interfaces with Aweber to turn it into one of the most powerful email marketing systems in the world.
Here’s what Jack said about the December issue of The Doberman Dan Letter:
“That last issue of the newsletter is worth an entire year’s subscription.”
Click here now to finally claim the knighthood you know you deserve.
As soon as you do that, I’ll have Holly carefully and lovingly prepare your fulfillment package and include the December issue of The Doberman Dan Letter.
Listen, I’m not BS’ing you…
If you want to make a LOT of money… THIS is the #1 secret you absolutely, positively MUST know.
Pax vobiscum.