Ben Settle emails his list every day.
And I read every single one.
He recently sent an email with the subject line “Your azz belongs to me.”
He talked about a little exchange he had with some people on Facebook.
I guess in between looking at pictures of cats (or whatever it is people do to waste their time on Facebook) there was a discussion about the Myers Briggs test.
Ben said…
“Revealing your myers briggs stuff is all well and good, as long as everyone is crystal clear that, behind every personality type, there’s an INTJ like me pulling your strings, manipulating you, and getting you to do my bidding… without you even realizing it and even thinking it’s all your idea when really it has been mine probably for weeks, months, and even years in advance…”
THAT set off a reaction.
Some people were even asking if Ben had gone crazy.
Yeah… crazy like a fox.
Here’s an example of Ben’s craziness:
After Ben busting my chops for years about me not emailing my list every day, I finally gave in.
And only a few months ago I started sending a daily email.
Guess what happened after the first month.
Nuttin’ honey.
I sooooo wanted to prove Ben wrong. So I told him my results.
He told me to stop trying to sell surreptitiously, grow a pair and pitch in EVERY SINGLE EMAIL.
Since I wanted to prove him wrong, I did exactly what he said.
Guess what happened after two more weeks of daily emails… but this time with a blatant pitch in every email.
Nuttin’ honey.
So I kept doing it. ‘Cuz I couldn’t wait to tell Ben his system failed.
But guess what happened two weeks later.
The floodgates were opened.
And I’m happy to say that the number of knights in the Marketing Camelot has never been higher.
Ben Settle, ya big beautiful bastard. I soooooo wanted to prove you wrong.
But dammit… your email system worked.
Sure, it took a while to get it tweaked and build some momentum. But it’s now generating a steady, predictable and reliable flow of new knights into my Marketing Camelot.
I shoulda done this when Ben first told me about it YEARS ago.
Gawd knows how much money I’ve missed out on because I didn’t.
You really need to study the email marketing Jedi mind tricks Ben reveals in his Email Players newsletter…
No, that’s not an affiliate link. Ben doesn’t allow affiliates to sell his newsletter.
And no, we don’t have any kind of rev-share agreement.
In fact, he has no idea I’m even mentioning his newsletter.
(Until he reads this email.)
I’m just sharing it with you for two reasons:
1. It’s excellent and it’s making me a lot of money.
2. I don’t have a scarcity mindset.
In other words, I don’t believe that promoting Ben’s newsletter to the people on my list is going to negatively affect enrollment in my own membership program and newsletter, The Marketing Camelot.
Ben’s newsletter is something I believe in so I wanted to share it with you.
Simple as that.
(Ben, I’m not breaking your rule of pitching in every email. I DID pitch. I just pitched YOUR newsletter… probably much to your surprise.)
Look, I’m not gonna lie to you and tell you that doing an email every day is a walk in the park.
There are some nights when I’m sitting in the family room with my wife at midnight, staring at my laptop half asleep, wondering what the hell I’m going to write for tomorrow’s email.
But I do it.
‘Cuz I made a commitment to do it.
And it’s worth it.
Listen, I’ve heard all the objections for not sending a daily email. Hell, I said them all myself.
But I tried it and now I’m a believer.
Try it. You’ve got nothing to lose.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. Ya know what?
I think Ben has been using his mind manipulation tricks on me for YEARS…
…knowing I would eventually pull my head outta my posterior and start emailing daily.
I bet that smug S.O.B. is gloating right this very second.
I SHOULD be mad. But his system is making me so much money I can’t be anything but happy.
I think you’ll be happy, too.
Pax vobiscum.