After I sold my supplement business in 2012, I didn’t know what I’d do next.
So in my typical “ready, fire, aim” fashion I decided to start working with clients for a while.
Problem was, I didn’t have any.
I only wanted to work with publishers with big lists and I didn’t know any of those people.
So I jumped on a little known platform for freelancers and implemented my secret “reach the unreachable” client getting system.
It worked beautifully.
My most interesting case study went like this:
I searched for “publishers” and a guy’s name came up whom I recognized. He was an editor for a publication I knew.
It was part of a stable of newsletters published by an 800 lb. gorilla in the financial space.
I clicked the “connect” button and continued searching for publishers.
Within minutes this dude approved my “connect” request.
So I did the next step in my cool little system. I copied and pasted my special reply email.
At that point I had tested and refined that email to the point that it was working like a fine Swiss watch. I could predict fairly accurately how many client prospects would contact me each time I went through this system.
Again, this publisher dude replied almost immediately.
It was [11:07] PM but his email said… “I’m in need of a copywriter for a new project. Can you call me right now?”
So I did.
Thirty-six minutes later I had a gig offer for a nice fat fee and a generous royalty.
And no, it’s not because I’m Doberman Dan. The dude didn’t know me from Adam.
He just followed the path my little client getting system led him down.
And he discovered things about me at the exact time that I wanted him to.
It works beautifully and YOU can do it, too.
I don’t need to do that anymore. In fact, I’m turning away almost all the new client gigs I’m being offered.
But if I needed money NOW and didn’t have any clients, I would jump on this platform and have at LEAST one new client by the end of the week. And 3 to 5 in the pipeline for later.
I’ve shared every single detail about my “How to reach the unreachable” client getting system.
There’s a video walking you through the entire process. You’ll know EXACTLY what you need to do right now to attract clients.
And you’ll also get the exact client getting email I personally used for landing cool clients and sweet gigs.
But it’s not for sale.
ONLY the knights in my Marketing Camelot have access to it.
It’s on the knights only website in the “Copywriting” section. Just look for “How to reach the unreachable.”
Say WHA…?
You need clients but you’re not a knight in the Camelot?
Then click here now to get IMMEDIATE access to our knights only site… and instant access to the “How to reach the unreachable” system for getting clients FAST.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. If you’re facing the “Oh crap, the bank account is overdrawn and I need to drum up some clients NOW” problem… you can solve that pretty quickly.
Just click here and once you’ve been “knighted” you’ll have instant access to the knights only membership site.
Once inside, go to the “Copywriting” section and look for the “How to reach the unreachable” module.
Now go make something happen and get you some new clients.
Pax vobiscum