Why is it that so many successful entrepreneurs I know suffer from ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder?
I’m not trying to be cute. I mean the REAL condition, ADD.
Yeah, I know we talk about “entrepreneurial ADD”… meaning that entrepreneurs are always chasing new opportunities…
…but a lot of folks with ADD, diagnosed or undiagnosed, wind up as entrepreneurs. Probably because they can’t really fit into anybody else’s box.
I’ve been fascinated by this. So I interviewed an expert.
Check it out here on the latest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. A lot of misconceptions about ADD are cleared up in this interview. Including some even spread by yours truly on my “Let’s Put Ritalin In The Drinking Water” podcast.
What can I say? When I get it wrong, I REALLY get it wrong.