Or do you vacillate between the two?
Feeling successful one day, then feeling out of control most other days?
There’s a reason for that, ya know? And it has nothing to do with any external forces. But we’ll get into that in just a sec.
Oh wait a sec. First I gotta tell you up front… this is not a short email today.
But stick with me. It may the most important message you’ve read in years.
Maybe EVER.
OK, let’s talk about success. More specifically, YOUR success.
Success can be broken into two categories:
- Inner success – The feeling of happiness, joy and fulfillment. Feeling good, feeling productive…
feeling like you make a difference in other people’s lives.
- Outer success – Creating, making things happen, achieving goals, being productive, getting pre-defined results, making a difference.
ALL good things, right?
If you’re not consistently experiencing the good stuff in those two categories of success, what’s the roadblock preventing that?
Well that’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?
That’s the question you need to answer… because it may be different for you.
I’ve found that one of the biggest roadblocks to achieving success for many people is they don’t feel like they have control over their lives.
Or worse. They feel like they’re being controlled.
(In many cases, they are. And it’s by their own choice. But that’s a story for another day, dear protégé.)
How about your Uncle DD shares a simple technique you can use starting TODAY to help overcome that big ass roadblock to success?
A secret to keep you on track to plowing through, under, over that big ass roadblock to success?
Or… if you can’t go under it, over it, or through… my little technique will help you blow that damn roadblock up like a case of frickin’ DYNAMITE.
Sound good?
But first a brief story:
I found the best possible coach in the world for me… ‘cuz I’m weird. I think differently than the rest of the world.
And there are VERY few people who “get” my world view.
But this guy TOTALLY gets me.
He was a personal protégé of Jay Abraham. And he got so good at doing Jay’s schtick, Jay asked him to teach his protégé program.
Because he was better at teaching Jay’s techniques than Jay was!
(No offense to Jay. But that dude is so smart he can’t utter one sentence without using several 4 or 5 syllable words.)
My coach made so much money as a marketing consultant, he retired young to pursue his passion… music. More specifically, as a jazz pianist.
So this guy knows direct marketing like nobody’s business, client getting and client management, and the life of a professional musician.
Along with about a million other ways to “hack” your nervous system to allow you to create a spectacular life.
And no, sorry. I CANNOT make an introduction.
He had his time in the spotlight and nowadays works really hard at guarding his privacy.
It was through a stroke of pure dumb luck I even FOUND the dude.
And it took 9 months of almost DAILY begging to even get him to take me on as a coaching client.
Anyhoo, during one of our conversations I was bitching about feeling like a failure.
So my coach took me through a couple really strange neurological hacking processes I STILL don’t totally understand…
…then has me sit down with my magical yellow notepad and blue pen.
And we came up with the “proven beyond a shadow of a doubt”, indisputable, sensible and completely logical solution to ALL my business problems.
AND the solution to make completely certain I ALWAYS feel successful… cuz I AM successful. (Or at least WILL be, if I do the plan.)
Was the plan some complicated, long drawn out, discombobulated deal?
Was it the implementation of some 469-step marketing funnel so frickin’ complicated you would need to mind map it on a piece of paper the size of a football field?
The solution to ALL my business problems…
… the secret to guaranteeing I ALWAYS feel (and AM) successful…
… the one thing to ensure I ALWAYS have a guaranteed income… in whatever monetary amount I choose…
… came down to one key thang, done every day. (For the spelling Nazis… yes, I MEANT to spell the word thing as “thang.” My knights know that’s my THANG now.)
For me, my one key thang is writing for six segments of 33 minutes and 33 seconds.
And when I get up early and knock those six segments out before most of the world even has their first cup of coffee… well… I can’t even tell you how good that feels.
YOUR one key thing may be different.
But that’s for YOU to figure out.
In fact, that’s so important, I think you shouldn’t rest until you figure out your one key thang.
‘Cuz once you figure out your one key thang… and implement a system to keep you on track and doing it every day…
…your life is gonna change in ways so frickin’ good… your current belief system won’t allow you to even IMAGINE it right now.
And no, I’m not exaggerating or using hyperbole on ya.
Your life truly will be THAT good when you figure outyour one key thang… and do it every day.

P.S. Look, I’m more disciplined than most… but I’m human.
I backslide.
So I need help staying on track with my one key thang.
Wanna know my big secret to doing my one key thang every day… no matter what happens… and no matter if I FEEL like doing it or not?
Actually, there are TWO secrets:
Number Uno is a software tool I created.
Numero Dos is my “punch the clock” secret. A technique I learned from bodybuilding.
The “punch the clock” secret is what allowed me to keep going in the face of abject adversity… and 10 straight years of ZERO gains during my peak bodybuilding phase.
And THAT “punch the clock” secret is what allowed me to find the exact combination of factors that led me to gain 25 pounds of muscle in only 8 weeks.
And it’s working even BETTER for me in my business.
In just 48 hours I’m going to give the knights in my Marketing Camelot my two biggest secrets to discovering your one key thang…
…and then consistently DOING your one key thang… no matter what happens:
- My “One Key Thang” proprietary software tool…
- Video training on how to discover your one key thang… and…
- Video training on my super effective (yet super
simple) “punch the clock” secret.
Click here now to join the Marketing Camelot and be one of the first to get my “One Key Thang” system as soon as it’s released in 48 hours…
This stuff works so darn good, the zombie biker apocalypse could hit tomorrow and plunge us back to the Dark Ages…
…and you’ll STILL get up in the morning and do your one key thang.
Click here right now to get yourself knighted into the Marketing Camelot… and you, too, can get my “One Key Thang” system…
P.P.S. I have one last idea:
As a new knight in the Marketing Camelot, you get two certificates good for two FREE 30-minute phone/Skype consultations with me.
Since I charge $2,000/hour for consulting, these two certificates are a genuine $2,000 value.
And you’re going to get them as a FREE bonus when you become a new knight in the Marketing Camelot…
So… how about you use one of those consulting sessions to let me help you figure out YOUR one key thang?
I’ve discovered a few secrets to help you do that. And you can do it a lot faster with my help.
Just a thought.
Pax vobiscum.