One of my favorite jazz tunes is “Spain” by Chick Corea.
I recently stumbled across an article about How Chick Corea wrote that song.
(And yes, this DOES apply to making money online.)
Here’s what he said:
“At the time I was in love with Miles’s [Miles Davis] ‘Sketches of Spain,’ with Gil Evans. I still am. On that record Gil has this fantastic arrangement-it’s the second movement of Joaquin Rodrigo’s ‘Concierto de Aranjuez.’ I fooled around with that theme, extended it and composed some melodies, which turned out to be the main themes of ‘Spain.’ I always play Rodrigo’s second movement as a keyboard intro.
“I work out alternatives in my head, toss them around, play them on the piano until I find a piece that’s the best. And I don’t set anything down onto paper until I’ve got a pretty long flow, a complete melodic statement.”
Didja catch that?
One of the best musicians in the world… a true musical GENIUS… starts composing songs by SWIPING.
So if Chick Corea can’t create something from nothing, what in the world makes you think you can?
You can’t create something from nothing. In fact, you can’t really create ANYTHING. (Unless you’re God.)
You can only SYNTHESIZE.
You GOTTA have “fodder” so your brain can make new combinations to allow you to synthesize stuff by modeling and adapting it.
BUT… you have to be sure your fodder material is proven successful stuff.
That’s why I provide my knights in the Marketing Camelot with successful copy they can model and adapt.
Same thing Chick Corea did to write one of the most well known jazz songs EVER.
And proven successful promotions to model and adapt is what you need to create your own successful promotions.
I’m talking about HUGE winner controls that are working NOW.
Not the same ole same ole sales letters that worked 30 or 40 years ago… that everybody passes around as swipe material.
The stuff I’m giving away is working like crazy… and working RIGHT NOW.
I also include a video review of each piece, showing why it works and why the copywriter did what they did.
I also often include a template of the copy I’ve created. So you can have the proven formula to create your own successful copy time after time.
You can take the template, the copy and my video review and use it all to create new sales copy, promotions and even entirely new businesses.
And I add a new swipe piece… along with the video review and template… each and every month.
So yes… you need inspiration, fodder and “swipes”…
…but you need PROVEN swipes.
Click here to join me in the Marketing Camelot…
You’ll get IMMEDIATE access to the knights-only membership site, which includes the swipe file I just told you about.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. The swipe piece I’ll be adding to the membership site this month is a humdinger.
It’s a control that’s kicking total booty.
I know that for a fact. ‘Cuz I get to see the sales it generates each and every day.
And it’s a LOT of money. This is a multimillion dollar control.
When you become knighted into the Marketing Camelot, you’re gonna get it… along with my video review and the copy template I created for this multimillion dollar control.
Click here to claim your knighthood today.
Pax vobiscum.