Sunday, 4:18 PM Dear Friend, According to Google, there were 673,000 searches last month using the keywords “direct mail.” Also, according to Google, 25% of all their searches are now YouTube searches. So that means approximately 168,250 searches are done each month on YouTube looking for stuff related to direct mail. I’m hoping a few [...]
Sunday, 3:23 PM Dear Friend, Here’s something I learned from Joe Polish, another Gary Halbert trained master marketer. Joe showed us how to do video testimonials at John Carlton’s recent Action Seminar. The cool thing about video testimonials is you can have other people say nice things about you that you can’t say about yourself [...]
Saturday, 10:29 AM Dear Friend, I have lots of respect for brick & mortar business owners. They’ve got big cahones. The amount of investment, debt and commitment it takes to open a brick & mortar business would scare away most lesser mortals. But most of them are completely clueless about how to market their business. [...]
Friday, 10:18 AM Dear Friend, Remember when I told you about my new little social media/marketing test in this post? Well, it has begun. The idea is to see how much free traffic (and hopefully new subscribers) I can generate from YouTube. Right now is an incredibly inconvenient and stressful time in my life to [...]
Monday, 10:05 AM Dear Friend, I was reading Terry Dean’s excellent newsletter a few weeks ago and got a great idea for increasing traffic to my blog. Did you know that YouTube searches now account for 25% of all Google searches? If I did my math right, that means there are over 22 million searches [...]