Nope. I ain’t gonna do the guru thang. You know the routine: “Look at my Rolex. It cost more than six times more than the average monthly salary of a college graduate. “And look at my garage full of luxury cars. I drive the red Ferrari on Mondays. I drive the baby blue one on [...]
The difference between a moneymaking tactician and a marketing strategist? And the massive amount of income and stability by being one over the other.
This was a HUGE epiphany that saved and made me a LOT of money.
Thursday, 9:51 AM Dear Friend, Sorry for going M.I.A. over the last couple weeks. I took a new client about a month ago. First client work I’ve done in about 3 years. It’s been a great experience. I couldn’t ask for a better client. So I’ve been working my little fingers to the bone for [...]
Friday, 2:36 PM Remember this article from a week or so ago? I asked you what you’d like me to talk about on the blog. I’ve addressed each and every comment/question I received up until today. Thanks to each one of you who contributed. To hear your free MP3 click the play button below: Doberman [...]