Ever eat calamari? Well guess what… There’s a good chance it ISN’T calamari. And you’ll be SHOCKED to discover what it ACTUALLY is. It’s all tied in to the Wells Fargo bank scandal. Which also explains why deaths from MRSA are ALLEGEDLY down. Confused? Don’t be. It’s all explained here on the latest episode of [...]
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that genetically modify YOU… …Deadly herbicides and pesticides… Irradiation… “factory farms”… mineral depleted soil… And now… [drum roll, please]… Meat grown in a petri dish! Judas H. Priest! Eating food grown this way is a frickin’ DEATH SENTENCE! So what’s all this have to do with your business? Everything, my dear [...]
I received a letter the other day. Yeah, a REAL letter. One that takes some time, thinking and effort to create. (Unlike 99.99% of most emails.) It was written by hand. Then placed in an envelope and sent by postal mail. It’s from one of the knights in my Marketing Camelot. And it reveals the [...]
Quick question: Did you notice that I did a Ryan Levesque “Deep Dive” survey back in June? (You do open my emails, don’t you? Gosh, I’d be hurt if you don’t.) Anyhoo, the thing I most wanted to know was this: What is the SMIQ (single most important question) the knights in my Marketing Camelot [...]