I just heard from a very excited client the other day. He called to tell me the newspaper ad I wrote for his supplement is pulling a 3.0 MER (media efficiency ratio.) If you’ve never run newspaper ads, I guess I should explain that MER is your return on ad spend. That means on a [...]
Did you know that there’s a simple, automated way to generate leads that lets you go around your AdWords and Facebook competitors… …and produces higher quality leads often at a lower cost? I revealed the “nuts and bolts” of this tried-and-true, but little known, system in a recent interview with online marketing pioneer, Ken McCarthy. [...]
Did you know that there’s a simple, automated way to generate leads that lets you go around your AdWords and Facebook competitors… …and produces higher quality leads often at a lower cost? I revealed the “nuts and bolts” of this tried-and-true, but little known, system in a recent interview with online marketing pioneer, Ken McCarthy. [...]
Quick question: Did you notice that I did a Ryan Levesque “Deep Dive” survey back in June? (You do open my emails, don’t you? Gosh, I’d be hurt if you don’t.) Anyhoo, the thing I most wanted to know was this: What is the SMIQ (single most important question) the knights in my Marketing Camelot [...]