Do you need a speaker for a teleseminar, webinar or in-person seminar? And… there might be an opportunity for YOU to make a very nice recurring monthly income from all this, too.
Monday, 9:41 PM Dear Friend, None of my usual Doberman Dan “banter” today. I have something very important and urgent to share with you and I need to cut to the chase. Here’s the deal: A lot of business owners are struggling right now. Maybe you, too. And if something doesn’t change soon, many of [...]
Thursday, 10:18 AM Dear Friend, Last week I did a free teleseminar revealing how I leap-frogged over the “shameless whore” phase of freelance copywriting and jumped right into the high paying gigs. My first official gig as a solo freelancer paid me equivalent to about $12,000 in today’s rapidly declining dollar. (If things keep up, [...]
Friday, 2:57 AM Dear Friend, It’s late and I can’t sleep. And counting sheep isn’t helping. (Maybe I should try counting Dobermans instead, huh?) See, I’ve been thinking about all the young copywriters I met at John Carlton’s Action seminar. A lot of these guys and gals are struggling. They’re trapped in the “paying your [...]
Tuesday, 1:49 PM Dear Friend, A few weeks ago one of the best copywriters in the world, Carline Anglade Cole, was kind enough to share her most effective copywriting secrets with me. I posted the MP3 here… but you may prefer to get your info in writing… so your buddy DD is looking out for [...]