Today I’m revealing something I learned while whoring out my mind to the highest bidder… a.k.a. being a freelance copywriter. And it made the difference between being like most of the other copywriters out there… always broke, begging for, and acepting any second rate gig that’ll pay the rent… To having the choice to pick [...]
Even though you’ve probably never realized it… You’ve been indoctrinated… Strike that… you’ve been programmed… No, that’s not it either… You’ve been HYPNOTIZED! Hypnotized to remain a failure your entire life. The formula we’ve been brainwashed to accept is actually a formula for leaving you six figures in debt in your early-twenties… with the only [...]
Did you know that there are all kinds of “low-hanging fruit” opportunities that make a lot of money? I showed one of these to one of the knights in my Marketing Camelot. And in a very short period of time he started making an extra $100,000 a year. And he did that only working a [...]
I used to think I had to put off doing what I really wanted to do until “someday.” And that “someday” almost always had something to do with making a certain income. I used to think that I had to have the right person or relationship in my life to be “complete.” I thought I [...]
There’s a big secret that makes the difference between having a sucky life… and a life of financial freedom. It’s what I call the “E versus E” secret. One “E” way makes you a slave. The other “E” way makes you financially free. And if you want, wealthy, too. Click the play button above to [...]