Crazy like a fox. ’Cuz the simplest of things… Something you’re already doing 24 hours a day unconsciously… can TRANSFORM your performance. In your business… In your relationships… Heck… your entire frickin’ LIFE, man. IF you learn how to take conscious control of it. (And no, it’s not control of your thinking, positive thinking or [...]
Don’t blame this one on me. My producer J.R. is the one to blame. He started it. But like I told ya a couple weeks ago, I’m not pulling my punches anymore. And THIS little rant is gonna piss off EVERYBODY who runs masterminds. Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a flying fornication. SOMEBODY has to [...]
Are you frustrated? Fed up with not making any progress? Does every day in your business feel like you’re swimming in wet concrete? The solution is simple, my treasured troubadour. Just follow the WWF’s lead. It’s all explained on this week’s semi-entertaining episode of Off The Chain. All the best, Doberman Dan