Friday, 7:31 PM Dear Friend, I’m still having fun and learning a lot with my YouTube 30-Day Challenge. Today I finally figured out how to use a program called ScreenFlow. I’ve used it before but I only knew about 10% of its functions. This thing is a POWERHOUSE for creating videos… especially if you need [...]
Friday, 10:18 AM Dear Friend, Remember when I told you about my new little social media/marketing test in this post? Well, it has begun. The idea is to see how much free traffic (and hopefully new subscribers) I can generate from YouTube. Right now is an incredibly inconvenient and stressful time in my life to [...]
Monday, 10:05 AM Dear Friend, I was reading Terry Dean’s excellent newsletter a few weeks ago and got a great idea for increasing traffic to my blog. Did you know that YouTube searches now account for 25% of all Google searches? If I did my math right, that means there are over 22 million searches [...]
Tuesday, 6:33 AM Dear Friend, Last week I sent a message endorsing Ben Settle’s new hard copy newsletter. Since I know that negative news always gets more viewership than positive news, I split-tested two “negative” headlines on one of my subscriber lists. They were… Ben Settle SUCKS (By the way, it was Ben who suggested [...]
Wednesday, 8:46 AM Dear Friend, I’ve never really had the luxury of having a lot of money to start most of my “kitchen table” businesses. Even later in my career when I DID have a fair amount of capital to invest, I still did it on the cheap. In fact, I started my very first [...]