5 simple steps to making millions in the guru business year after year.
Monday, 11:16 AM Dear Friend, Did you know there’s a little known search engine with abso-frickin-tutely HOOOOYUGE amounts of traffic? As a matter of fact, it has so many daily searches, it almost rivals the 800 lb. gorilla, Google. It’s true! And it ain’t Yahoo, Bing, Ask.com (does anybody even use that anymore?)… or any [...]
Tuesday, 4:02 PM Dear Friend, They say first impressions are lasting impressions. If that’s true (and it probably is) you better make a darn good first impression with your prospects. If not, they just might go elsewhere. I’d like to share a recent experience I had. Now technically, this wasn’t my first impression with this [...]
Sunday, 8:29 PM Dear Friend, Here’s a followup to the video I posted yesterday, How To Start An Internet Business For Under $200. Joint ventures are one of the best ways to to get a LOT of traffic and sales quickly… especially if you don’t have any money to invest. Here’s a tried and true [...]
Saturday, 9:39 PM Dear Friend, I’ve often been asked what I would do if I had to start all over again and didn’t have much money. Well… here’s your answer. All the best,