What if… …everything that has been your identity since age 15… was taken away from you? Possibly forever. What if… …simply living a normal life… and living free of daily, chronic and sometimes INTOLERABLE pain… was just a dream in your distant memory? What if simply walking like a normal person was something you weren’t sure you’d ever be [...]
Once upon a time, there was a speechwriter named Winston Lord. Cool name, huh? Sounds like he should have been royalty instead of a writer. Like me. But I guess we’re both just gluttons for punishment. Anyhoo, before he became the ambassador to China, Winston Lord was Henry Kissinger’s speechwriter. You remember Kissinger, right? He [...]
Here’s something I bet you’ve never heard before… You can mess up almost everything in your online/direct response business… and STILL be wildly successful. You can fail 95% of the time and still get rich. When I launched my first mail order biz, pre-Internet days, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and 8-tracks were high [...]
“A wise old owl sat in an oak. The more he heard, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?” My grandpa used to recite this poem. Frequently. I guess that was a nice way of telling me to shut up. [...]
Or do you vacillate between the two? Feeling successful one day, then feeling out of control most other days? There’s a reason for that, ya know? And it has nothing to do with any external forces. But we’ll get into that in just a sec. Oh wait a sec. First I gotta tell you up [...]