Imagine yourself walking alone on a bitter cold and starless night. Unexpectedly, you come upon a large, warm-looking house with a fire burning in the fireplace. Upon approaching the house and pressing your face against the window, you see yourself sleeping comfortably before the fire. Suddenly, you realize that you’re trapped outside your own house! [...]
Not exactly a pleasant thought, is it? Yet… it’s true. Completely unavoidable. The fact that I believe would lead any intelligent and awake person (and there are soooooooo few of us left these days) to ask a question. The most important question in life: Who are you when you do not exist? Is this a [...]
It has taken me more than a half a century to finally figure this out. The crazy part is that it’s 100%… totally… completely… counterintuitive to how we’ve all been taught. But if you wanna make money… a LOT of money… this works like gangbusters: Here’s the big secret: If you desire to make a [...]
I know it sounds completely counterintuitive… but… the secret of success is… [insert pregnant pause here] Failure! And I should know. For nine long years, every single business and entrepreneurial project I launched didn’t work at all. Good thing I kept my day gig during that time or I would’ve been living in “a van [...]
Yes, your business can be affected in a BIG way depending upon what happens in this “new economy.” Long story short, you’re either gonna prosper beyond your wildest dreams… or you’re gonna go out of business and lose everything you’ve worked so hard to attain. And I’ll tell ya which of those is YOUR fate [...]