How can you use the “chicken close” to get your prospects off the fence and buying TODAY?
Should you send traffic to a squeeze page or go right for a sale?
And… how many responses do you need from your Google Adwords testing before deciding to roll out?
Wednesday, 9:59 AM Dear Friend, I never wanted to be a cop or a direct response copywriter and marketer… …or any of the various other things I’ve done to make money to support my bad habits of sleeping indoors and having food with my meals. Nope. The ONLY thing I’ve ever wanted to do with [...]
Sunday, 3:37 PM Dear Friend, I didn’t want to admit it… but it’s in my genes. Everybody on one side of my family was an alcoholic. And that always scared me because they say addiction/alcoholism is hereditary. I thought I got lucky and that gene bypassed me… but I was wrong. Allow me to elaborate: [...]
Sunday, 9:07 AM Dear Friend, Remember a couple months ago when I gave you the REAL secret behind The Secret? Well, guess what showed up on my doorstep this past Friday just in time for my birthday. I’ll give you a hint… Yes, I’m still in my PJ’s. FedEx arrived pretty early… 11:00AM. ;) Here [...]