Saturday, 9:39 PM Dear Friend, I’ve often been asked what I would do if I had to start all over again and didn’t have much money. Well… here’s your answer. All the best,
Wednesday, 8:46 AM Dear Friend, I’ve never really had the luxury of having a lot of money to start most of my “kitchen table” businesses. Even later in my career when I DID have a fair amount of capital to invest, I still did it on the cheap. In fact, I started my very first [...]
Thursday, 9:28 PM Dear Friend, I received an offer yesterday from someone who wants to buy one of my “kitchen table” businesses for one million dollars. Yup… a cool million. A “1” with six zeroes after it. Seven figures. One MILLION dollars. (Spoken in my best Dr. Evil accent.) Now I realize that the gaggle [...]