Wednesday, 2:10 PM Dear Friend, A brief marketing lesson today… and a request for a small favor. BTW, this isn’t my regular post for the week. I’ll do that in a couple days. (It’s probably gonna ruffle some feathers!) Anyhoo… here’s the marketing lesson… There is almost nothing more powerful than strong social proof. People [...]
Friday, 12:09 PM Dear Friend, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather this week. Actually I’m under-playing it for the camera. The truth is I haven’t even felt like getting out of bed. When I finally do get out of bed, all I can do is lie on the couch in my office. I’ve [...]
Saturday, 6:50 PM Dear Friend, I’m not sure if you’ve ever mozied on over to my testimonials page (which I need to update)… but the very first testimonial is from none other than the “Prince of Print”… the late, great Gary Halbert. He said… “I lived with Dan for 43 days when he had an [...]
Wednesday, 7:18 PM Dear Friend, I’ve been thinking about seeing a psychologist. I don’t have any mental problems… that I’m aware of. It’s just that I have nobody to talk with. Nobody. Sure, I’ve got some really good friends… but the conversations are always about them. See, I realized a long time ago that nobody [...]
There are several crucial things MUCH more important than copy when selling online… or in any media. Discover them here.