Today’s message will be one you’ve never heard from any other entrepreneur or marketer on earth. One that could transform your life forever. In ways you never could have previously imagined. But first, I gotta tell ya this: I want you to gift you — 100% complimentary — an expensive book. One I previously sold [...]
My experience with the French Foreign Legion, a Carmelite monastery and a $1,000 “underground” book…
The other day I ran across a video on YouTube. It was a video tour of Thomas Merton’s hermitage. If you don’t know who Tomas Merton is, that’s a story for another time. But long story short, he was a Trappist monk who became quite famous for his writings. (Something I believe you should become [...]
One of the most frequent questions I get is this: “What would you do to make money if you were desperate?” That’s a good question. Because I’ve been desperate a LOT. After going broke a bunch of times, I discovered a plan I rely on when my back is against the wall, the “wolf is at [...]
I love it when I hear rookies talking about Robert Cialdini and his law of reciprocity. You know that one, right? From his book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”? People who don’t know any better treat it like marketing gospel. They think they need to give away lots of stuff free to “build a relationship.” [...]
Have you ever thought THIS… “If I could just get free of this job, I could do what I’m TRULY passionate about.” I feel your pain. It took me 9 long years and about 20 failed businesses along the way until I finally gained my freedom from a dead end job. Of course, the key [...]